24. e os contatinhos? nada 🏊🏻‍♀️

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love is swimming
it's like "falling in love" is swimming
and in the past i was afraid because it was an unknown area
i kept imagining the dangers of that depth
but then one day a beautiful guy invited me
to put my foot in the water
and go into it
i was into him
so i gradually entered
it was tempting to want to dive with him
but then he drowned me
and i started to be afraid to swim for another reasons
it was no longer fear of the unknown
it was the trauma of the first experience
it shouldn't have defined me so much as it did
but it did
and now i just float around
afraid of one day
being pulled down and forced to swim again

i shouldn't be scared of something so light and free
and lovely and happy and fun
but i am
it scares me don't see what expectes for me
in the deep of the deepest lakes
before i jumped into it

i know i'll never dive
as long as i keep stopping me from swimming
but i just cant help it
it's so much safer here in the solid ground
but at the same time
it's so hot out there
i want to be in the water
it's unfair

will i ever be able to risk facing the ocean?
if love is swimming
i really hope someday i live a mermaid love story

(abaixo não é a tradução literal,
e sim o rascunho inicial <3)

é como se "se apaixonar" fosse nadar
e antes eu tivesse medo porque era desconhecido
e eu ficava imaginando os perigos daquela profundeza
mas então um dia
um lindo cara me convidou a colocar o pé na água
e eu fui me adentrando aos poucos
era tentador querer mergulhar com ele
mas então
ele me afogou
e eu comecei a ter medo de nadar por outras razões
não era mais o medo do desconhecido
e sim o trauma da primeira experiência
ela não deveria ter me definido tanto
mas me definiu
e agora eu apenas bóio por aí
com medo de um dia ser puxada para baixo
e ser obrigada a nadar

indigo - poesiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora