Little things (pt 1)

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Dana Scully walked through the door of her flat and immediately kicked her shoes from her aching feet. She took off her coat, which was dripping wet from the rain, leaned against the door and took a deep breath before forcing a smile on her face and making her way into the kitchen. Something smelled wonderful and she had to inspect what it was.

She walked into the kitchen to see her girlfriend standing at the fridge, deciding on a wine. When she glanced over to the table she saw the culprit of the smell; Stella had ordered from their favorite take out restaurant, and it suddenly dawned on Dana that she hadn't eaten anything all day.

"Hey, you." Stella said upon seeing the redhead as she closed the fridge. "I didn't hear you come in. How was your day?" Stella took a few steps forward to close the gap between the two of them, and pressed her lips gently against her partner's.

Dana smiled, trying to hide the exhaustion on her face but she knew Stella could see right through it. "It was okay. Dinner smells so good." She said quietly, taking in Stella's scent as she rested her head on her shoulder.

"Well, let's eat before it gets cold then, come on." Stella led her over to the counter, and pulled her chair out for her. "I picked white for tonight. Is that okay?" She asked, holding up the bottle of wine. "Actually, I'd rather just have water tonight. I'm worried drinking will just make me more tired."

Stella poured the wine for herself and quickly got a glass of water for Dana. She set the glass down in front of her and noticed that the redheads hands were shaking slightly as she went to take a bite.

"Dana, you didn't work through lunch again did you?" She asked, trying not to sound mom-like.

Stella caught her partner's gaze but Dana quickly looked away. "Yes, I did. I was asked to cover a couple classes and time just got away from me."

"You know that is not good for you... That's not going to help us out any, Dr. Scully." She finished her statement in a playful tone, not wanting to lecture her. Both women smiled at each other, but the topic was dropped as they quietly ate and enjoyed finally having time together.

Once they'd finished eating Dana got up and stumbled her way over to the kitchen sink to wash her plate, but Stella quickly intercepted it. "Why don't you go lay down, love? You seem exhausted. I'll take care of the clean up."

Dana stared at Stella for a moment, wanting to protest, but realized she was too tired. Instead she nodded hesitantly and lifted up on her tiptoes ever so slightly to place a kiss on Stella's cheek. "Thank you."

Stella busied herself throwing out the trash and cleaning the few dishes they'd used as she watched Dana stumble into the living room. She knew something had to have happened today because she seemed more than just tired, but she knew not to push Dana to talk about it until or unless she was ready to.

Once she'd finished cleaning the kitchen the blonde made her way into the living room and found Dana in a little ball on the couch. She smiled at how small she looked, but realized she didn't look comfortable or relaxed. She could tell she wasn't asleep, though the redhead hadn't opened her eyes since she'd walked into the room.

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