Fragments of the subconscious mind

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Cold and dark was all she felt. The room was pitch black, and there was nothing to provide any sense of where she might be. The room was silent, yet so loud she couldn't hear herself think. She called out the only thing her brain could manage to think of, but there was no response. She reached out next to her desperately seeking the warmth of her presence, but again there was nothing. Nothing. All she felt, all she saw, all she heard was nothing. It was deafening, it was suffocating. It was as if she'd spent so long working to finally build her life up only to so easily come back to this all too familiar place. This all too familiar feeling. Nothing.

Stella Gibson sat up with a sharp inhale, struggling to catch her breath. She reached out next to her hoping to find a sleeping figure, but instead her hand hit the wall and she groaned at the harsh contact. She looked around and slowly recognized her surroundings, realizing she was in her office.

After stretching out her aching muscles she swung her legs off the side of the creaky cot and rested her face in her hands.

It had been a while since she'd had to work an all nighter like this and it was taking its toll on her already. All she wanted was to be back at home holding her girlfriend and the little life growing inside her tightly while she slept.

As if on cue Stella's cell phone started to ring, pulling her out of her thoughts when she saw it was Dana calling. She sighed deeply, trying to rid herself of her anxiety before accepting the call.

"Hi love," She whispered as she put the phone up to her ear.

"I miss you." The redhead blurted immediately, causing Stella's heart to ache a little.

"I know, I miss you too. I don't like being away from you overnight." She stated, rubbing circles around her tired eyes.

"I was having a hard time staying asleep, so I thought I'd call you. I hope I didn't wake you?" Dana said, twirling the corner of her sheets between her fingers.

"No, No, I was awake." She admitted, remembering she'd texted Dana to tell her she was going to try to get some rest only a couple hours earlier.

"Did something come up with the case?" Dana asked, with a pause,"Or did you have a nightmare?"

Stella huffed a little, "Yeah, nightmare."

She was in no mood to talk about it, and Dana knew that without having to ask, so instead she started to talk about the show she'd been watching before she went to bed and how the baby had been kicking her like crazy all night.

"I think she misses you being home tonight, too." The redhead whispered, making Stella's heart flutter.

They talked for a while about nothing in particular until both women could tell Stella's nerves had finally begun to settle. 

"Alright love, it's late. Why don't you try to go back to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow night, around dinner time."

Dana's lip fell into a small pout and she sighed dramatically. "I don't want to wait that long. I want you to come home now." She said, her dramatics pulling a laugh from her partner.

"I know. I would love to come home now, but I can't. Just get some sleep, and I'll be home before you know it. I love you, okay?"

The last thing Stella really wanted to do was hang up, but she wanted Dana to be rested.

"I love you too." The redhead whispered from the other line with a muffled yawn.

They both sat on the line silently for a while, neither woman ready to hang up on the other.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now