sweet like honey

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Sitting in the dimly lit corner of the bar, Scully could feel her heartbeat quicken in her chest as the bitter liquor she sipped made her head slightly fuzzy. Watching the woman across from her made her feel weak, her blonde hair curled into precise ringlets, her outfit impossibly posh for such a grungy bar. Six months into dating Stella, Scully still felt butterflies anytime she looked at her. The simple idea that she got to call Stella hers, at least in a way no human had ever been able to before, shook her to her core.

When they'd first met at an FBI conference so many months before, she never would have imagined herself going on dates with the woman. The fact that Stella was so interested in her took her by surprise, as it had been a while since anyone had shown much genuine interest in her. She'd be lying if she said that someone so seemingly unavailable wanting to date her didn't boost her ego.

Her knees felt as though they may give out, even while sitting down, each time she glanced up at Stella to see her sipping on her whisky. Despite not caring for it much, Scully always ordered whisky with her, feeling a thrill each time the liquid burned down her throat. It made the affair she found herself in all the more real.

Watching the redhead over the brim of her glass, Stella smiled to herself. She loved the way Scully looked when she was deep in thought, lost in her own world while the real one scurried on around her. Stella was simply convinced there had never been a more beautiful, intelligent, or interesting person to ever exist. Scully was the one, and she'd managed to find her. The beginning of their night had been filled with conversation and laughter; the two of them catching up after a few days apart. Stella had been required to travel for a case and had been mostly too busy to keep in touch. But the moment they reunited, they fell back into their usual rhythm.

As she continued to watch her partner, Stella became increasingly aware that something was on her mind. It had been nearly half an hour since she'd said a word. Leaning forward against the table, Stella cleared her throat.

"You alright, love? You seem a bit distracted."

Snapping out of her haze, Scully's eyes shot up to meet Stella's gaze as a light blush pinkened her cheeks.

"Sorry, yes I'm fine. It's just that... to be honest I'm a bit..." Scully paused and her blush darkened a few shades before she continued, "Horny."

Raising an eyebrow, Stella stared at her for a long moment, blinking slowly.

"I could help with that, you know."

"I know, but I've been having a good time. I wasn't ready to leave just yet."

With a small grin, Stella began to slide down, slipping her body off the booth cushion until she was under the table.

"Stella, what are you doing?" Scully asked in a high pitched tone. "That floor is filthy!"

"I don't really care," were Stella's last words before her head disappeared beneath the table.

Scully glanced around anxiously, her eyes scanning the room for potential witnesses. Realistically, no one would notice. The bar was entirely empty with the exception of the bartender who had disappeared into the back some time ago. Music played loudly and they were tucked away in a darkened booth in the corner. The likelihood of them being caught was slim, but it didn't stop her from worrying that they might be. And that made it all the more thrilling.

Scully silently thanked herself for choosing to wear a dress as Stella's soft hands smoothed their way up her inner thighs. The simple touch made her skin tingle, every nerve in her body on high alert. As Stella reached up to hook her index fingers into the waistband of her panties, Scully lifted her ass off the seat, helping her slide them past her hips. She stared beneath the edge of the table, just barely able to see the top of Stella's head as she abandoned the lace panties around her calves and began peppering light kisses against the soft skin of her thighs. It felt sinfully exhilarating having Stella's lips on her out in the open, and it sent a tingle up her spine as she thought about what was to come.

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