1. Bold Decisions Night

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Y/n was a busy woman. Between working two jobs, volunteer work, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, I didn't have much spare time. So, I made sure to appreciate the little things in life, such as this morning. I woke up before my alarm and was sitting in bed watching the sunrise when my alarm went off, startling me out of the peaceful remnants of sleep. I turned and grabbed my phone off the side table, switching the alarm off. Sighing, I noticed some texts from my manager and unlocked my phone to see what he wanted.

Robert: Good morning y/n! Julie called in sick, apparently she's got food poisoning and I need you to cover her afternoon shift.

Y/n: can't u call someone else in? i don't think i can work a double today i have a shift at my other job starting at 5 and i can't keep running late or they'll fire me

Robert: Y/n, you know you and Julie are the most reliable and responsible people on our team right now, and I'm not comfortable calling in Jenny to pick up the slack. We both know how she and Ben and Anniston get when they're in the same building for too long :/

Y/n: fine, but only to stop them killing each other or burning the place down. still coming in this morning at 7 right?

Robert: Yep! Thanks so much Y/n, you're a life saver!

'Okay. I can work with this. And I definitely will not get fired for being late again.' I thought as I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower. 'I wish things could be easier. I'm so tired of the same mundane routine day, after day, after day. I just need a break.' I thought as I stepped under the spray and grabbed my shampoo. It was going to be a very long day.

Glancing hopefully at the clock, I sighed seeing I still had half an hour until my shift was over. Until I could go home, probably order pizza, and fall asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow. Anniston had left halfway through her shift, claiming she had a hair appointment she 'just had to get to' and that 'seriously Y/n, I know you don't know how challenging it is to strive to look nice but it's honestly so hard'. The only thing that kept me from punching her was the knowledge that she doesn't know shit about anything that could actually help her in life. Ben was more withdrawn than usual and while I wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I was concerned about him. He's usually such a class clown type person and seeing him as quiet as he was today unsettled me. After making sure the next shift at least got to work that day, I almost missed my bus to the other side of town, which would have made me even more late than I already was for my second job.

Luckily, I hadn't been fired after coming in ten minutes late to my shift and had only been pulled aside by my manager for a lecture on the importance of punctuality. I dutifully sat through his ramblings, laughing internally knowing Mr. Danforth wouldn't know punctuality if it walked up and slapped him in the face. He always worked the opening shift of the small, run down diner I worked at and was at least a half hour late every time. He didn't even have the excuse of the bus running late since he drove himself to work every day. I wished I could drive myself, but I knew it just wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. I have a perfectly functional car, but after my roommate moved in with her boyfriend a few months ago, there was a lot less money I could spend on things like gas and car repairs since rent was suddenly all my responsibility. Part of me was glad Emma moved out though, because she was kind of a huge bitch about absolutely everything.

Looking up at the clock again, I made a decision. I'm closing the diner early. Nobody had even walked by in the past hour and I doubt anyone would be out this far until tomorrow morning. I made my way to the back office, figuring that I should inform Tyler of my bold decision to close up shop early.

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