3. Warmth

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I quickly learned that I can only watch movies for so long. And seven hours was too long. I shifted restlessly and flopped over the armrest with a loud sigh. Looking to my right, my eyes fell on the pool table. Clambering up from the sofa, I walked to turn the lights back on. Can't play pool in the dark now can I?

I circled the pool table and collected the balls that were resting in the nets, arranging them in the classic triangle shape every game of pool starts with. I grabbed one of the sticks hanging on the wall and leaned over the table to line up my shot. The noise pool balls make when they hit one another will always be something I find incredibly satisfying. I stood back, watching as two of the balls rolled into the nets lining the table and the rest remained spread out every which way.

As the minutes passed, the only sound the crack of the pool balls hitting each other, I found boredom creeping up on me once again. I sighed and hung the stick back up, leaving the game half finished as I glanced around looking for something to do to occupy my time. There's always more TV, but I didn't particularly feel like more of that. The dartboard hung next to the pool sticks, but there were no darts to be found, so I couldn't do that. My only option seemed to be to take a nap.

'Aaaaand back to the sofa I go.' I thought as I flicked the lights off once more and got settled back under the blanket. 'I'm at least 90% sure this sofa is nicer than my bed back home.' I thought as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall asleep once more.


My dreams were of a bunny. Standing above me peering down as I stared back at it. It's unmoving eyes seeming to look directly into my soul. It was smiling at me and said nothing.

"Who..." I mumbled at the bunny.

"Shhhh... There's no need for talking now darling. Just rest." Said a distorted feminine voice, though the bunny's mouth did not move, like it's smile was permanently fixed to it's face. It walked off and I had no other dreams after that.


I woke up feeling nice and warm and cozy. Vague remnants of a dream clung to my mind and I nestled myself further into the blankets and warmth. Something tugged at my mind, but mornings like this are always slow in getting my brain fully online. I yawned and leaned around a bit to stretch the sleep from my limbs. The lights were off and I was in the same sofa as yesterday, a pile of blankets keeping me warm.

'Where did all these extra blankets come from? Did Vanessa give them to me?' I wondered sleepily as I reached for the water bottle in the cup holder next to me. I sat up, causing the blankets to fall from my chest. 'I wonder if she's brought me anything else? She did say she'd be around next time I fell asleep. Although, I'm not quite sure if I slept long enough for her to do what she needed to do.'

Tossing the blankets onto the cushion next to me, I got up and made my way to the bar. There were more water bottles as well as a bottle of blue gatorade. Next to the drinks there was a pile of various snacks. Some more granola bars, two apples, a muffin, and a bag of Doritos had been provided for the day. I grabbed one of the apples and tugged another note out from under the bottle of gatorade. Unfolding the note, I saw the same neat handwriting and glittery pink gel pen as yesterday's.

Good morning Y/n! Hope you slept well and didn't mind the extra blankets I gave you. You just looked so cold when I came down last night. I brought you some better snacks for today, I hope you enjoy them. I also stocked up the bathroom so now you have toothpaste and a toothbrush, a hairbrush, as well as a bunch of various shower products and anything else you may need. There's a change of clothes in the closet with the towels. You were so good yesterday and didn't scream so can you be good again today and not throw the towels and sheets everywhere? It's such a pain to have to refold them all every night.

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