4. Meeting

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Vanessa was so sick and tired of the screaming. She crossed her arms on the table and laid her head down with a groan. She'd thought that since Y/N was mostly well behaved yesterday that she could persuade her to behave today. Clearly that wasn't the case. She'd take refolding the towels and sheets over the constant pitchy screaming in a heartbeat. If she had known that borrowing Y/N for a little while would essentially be like keeping a toddler in her basement, she would've just taken her home. That being said, Vanessa didn't regret her decision. It was nice having someone real in the house with her.

After a few moments of quiet contemplation, Vanessa was yanked from her thoughts by the absence of the screaming that was just starting to become background noise. Sitting up, she looked around as if the silence that had become so unfamiliar to her over the past few hours would've had a physical presence. She stood and walked down  the hall to her study where a monitor sat facing the door on a sturdy wood desk. She peered in from the entrance of the study at the monitor displaying the camera feed from the basement.

Y/N was sitting on the floor with her back against the basement door. There were a few towels tossed around and she was clutching a sheet to her chest as she cried. For a moment Vanessa felt bad. Obviously she wouldn't like it if someone yanked her from her life. She'd be scared, and confused, and angry too. The sympathy only lasted a moment, however, because Y/N started screaming about how much she hated Vanessa as soon as she caught her breath.

'She must have a killer headache at this point...' Vanessa mused as she turned away from the monitor in the study and walked to the small medicine closet at the end of the hall. She fished around looking for some cough drops and a bottle of pain medication because even though she was incredibly annoyed with Y/N, she didn't want her to be in pain from all the yelling and crying.

After a few minutes of searching, Vanessa closed the cabinet, a bag of honey flavored cough drops and a bottle of Ibuprofen in her hands. She brought the medicine back to her dining room table where the note she had been drafting lay abandoned. Setting down the bag and the bottle, she picked up the half finished note.

Y/N darling, I really really need the screaming to stop. I can put up with the towels, I can put up with the sheets, but I just cannot deal with the constant screaming. All you're going to do is give yourself a headache and a sore throat, and run me right out of patience. So for the love of god please shut up.

Vanessa knew her annoyance was showing. 'Good. Let Y/N know how much of a pain in my ass she's being. Some anxiety over what I might do to her should be punishment enough.' she thought as she sat down, and picked up her pen to keep writing.

I'm bringing you down some medicine, whether you take it or not is up to you. I'm only going to say this one more time, but seriously please knock it off with the screaming. What point are you trying to prove here? Obviously nobody except me can hear you, and if you're trying to let me know you're pissed at being stuck in my basement, then message received. I'd love to let you out, I really would, but how can I trust you with that if I can't even trust you to stop screaming for more than a day.

And while I'm on the subject of letting you leave the basement, how 'bout I tell you how that's going to go? If, and ONLY if, you are an absolutely perfect well behaved angel for the next 2 weeks, will you be let out of the basement. You'll be allowed to wander the house as you please, and I might even let you spend time in the yard if I can trust you not to run off.

However, if you keep acting like a toddler, not only are you going to stay in the basement, but I guarantee it will be nowhere near as nice down there as it has been. I like to think that I've been a generous host, and frankly you've taken that generosity and tossed it right back in my face.

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