Chapter 1 - It All Starts With Car

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Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That was how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war - a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called... Earth.

But we were already too late.


Alex (picture on the top - hair wise) let out a low yawn as she leaned back against the double seat beneath her. She opened one of her bottle green peeking over at the large building across the way from her, taking in the sight of the loud and bustling school. She shifted slightly so she could sit up, leaning against the cushion of the car she was in.

"Had a nice nap, sleeping beauty?" the green eyed girl huffed at the amused voice of her father, tilting her head over to the man in the front seat of the car.

This was Ron Witwicky, husband of Jude Witwicky and father of Alex Witwicky and Sam Witwicky, the former being the oldest of the two.

"Yeah, I love sleeping in 90 degrees weather with the sun shining on my face." the twenty year old girl snickered as she crossed her arms behind her head, brushing a single set of fingers through her dyed hair. Ron chuckled at her words, already used to her sarcastic and blunt personality. "So where are you taking him for his first car?" she suddenly asked with a mischievous smirk on her face as she looked back at the school her little brother was in.

"One word. Bolivia's." Ron answered shortly.

"Rest In Peace, Sam." Alex whistled as she closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly.

The reason why she was here was because her father had made a deal with her little brother. That if Sam we're to get three A's and save two thousand dollars, he would get the boy's first car. Seeing as how she was given a similar deal when she was his age and that she was able to fix up her car without paying stupid amounts for others to do it, Alex had also thrown in the offer of fixing up Sam's car for free. Her mother would have probably given her a lecture if she had refused to help her brother out.

Though that didn't stop the redhead from saying that Sam owed her one for it.

"Let's hope it's better than my first car." Alex mused as she chuckled at the memory of her first automobile.

"What was it? A Ford?" Ron asked with a tilt of his head.

"Ford Fiesta." Alex corrected, having already memorized the entire structure of her first car.

"Speaking of cars, how's work and college treating you?" Ron asked as he looked up at the rear view mirror to see his daughter.

Alex studied Mechanical engineering at her college, which was being provided by her scholarship (how she got it she'd never know). Being two years in education, she also worked as a mechanic, fixing up a few cars for average prices. Seeing as how she was getting work experience in the field, she improved her studies and managed to be recommended to skip a year in her course by her instructor. So now she was in her last year of college, which consisted of work experience in the mechanical field while also completing the problem sheets and problem scenarios. Sure it was taxing for the girl, but seeing as how she enjoyed what she was doing, she welcomed the challenge so she could sharpen her skills. During her time at college, she rented a small house with just enough for her to feel cosy as well as a decent sized garage for her to do her work.

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