Chapter 8 - The Countdown Begins

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Alex watched as Bumblebee stood in front of the AllSpark, the young scout taking in the giant Cybertronian Relic. She, Mikaela and Sam stood in front of the yellow bots pedes, staring up as Bumblebee reached out for the Cube. The second the robot touched it, a spark of blue energy pulsed through the AllSpark. Alex felt a pulse inside her as the heat vanished form her arm and instead a calm and cool presence wrapped around her as if soothing the aching feeling in her arm. She watched with wide eyes of amazement and disbelief as she watched the ginormous cue that was buried in the rocks of thousands of years old, slowly but surely shift around, getting smaller and smaller the closer it got to Bumblebee's awaiting servos.

"Message from Starfleet Captain - Let's get to it." Bumblebee reported as the AllSpark sparkled in his metal hands.

"He's right, we stay here we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar." William agreed with the yellow bot. Bumblebee snapped his helm around at the soldier's sentence, earning an awkward whistle from the redhead.

"Yeah forgot to mention that Megabitch was here as well." Alex chuckled lowly as Bumblebee looked down at the redhead. "He's frozen for now, but it won't be long until he breaks out." she explained as the scout gave a worried whirr at the news.

"Mission City is twenty two miles away, we're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." William stated as he pointed at the shrunken artifact.

"Good, right!" Keller agreed as he pointed at William, liking his idea.

"But we cannot make a stand without the airforce." the soldier informed gravely.

"This place must have some kind of radio link." Keller pointed out as he turned to a shocked Simmons.


"Sir, you've gotta figure out away to get word out." William informed the Defense Secretary before he faced his men and the three humans next to the alien. "Let's move!" he ordered before his men and the three citizens and yellow alien followed after him, leaving the rest to figure out a way to get a message or a signal to the Air Force. "Alright! Sam! Alex! Get in the car!" William ordered as Bumblebee transformed into his alt.mode, the second he had enough room.

"Don't need to tell me twice." Alex muttered as Mikaela opened the door for her, Bumblebee moving the seat for the redhead. "Alex here." once she was in the back seats, Alex quickly grabbed the AllSpark off Sam and put down next to her, pulling over the seatbelt. Sam and Mikaela quickly climbed into the car and the robot in disguise didn't waste any time in driving off, the soldiers right behind him driving black SUV's.

"I am...MEGATRON!"

Alex hissed as her shoulder burned as the voice echoed in her head, she dropped back against the backseat cradling her shoulder as she bit her lip harshly to stop any grunt from coming through.

"Is the Cube ok?" Sam asked as Alex opened her eyes slightly, flickering them over to the Cube beside her. Biting back the grunt and hiss of pain lodged in her throat she reached out her arms and tightened the seatbelt, checking it over.

"...Yeah." Alex nodded as she brushed her left hand over the cube. Her eyes widened when blue sparks fluttered onto her hand, the burning feeling disappearing once more.

'What the hell is happening to me?' she questioned as she looked down at her left hand with disbelief. Alex blinked when she felt the seat vibrate beneath her, only to smile when she realised Bee was checking up on her. She rubbed her palm over the leather seat, reassuring the young scout that she was fine. Alex sat in the middle seat, making sure the Cube was right next to her leg at all costs. She blinked her green gaze when she caught sight of bright colors in the distance.

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