Chapter 4 - Tha Autobots

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The transformation was slow and awe inspiring, giving the humans a chance to see how everything worked. How everything moved around and shifted to fit perfectly in place for the mech. It didn't take long for Alex to realise that this guy was much bigger than the Camaro, seeing as how it moved from kneeling down to standing up straight as the transformation continued, reaching about 20 feet or more. Alex caught the Camaro backing up from the corner of her eye. The Hummer drove up to her right as the Solstice parked next to the Pickup Truck while the Camaro parked to her left.

'We're surrounded.' Alex realised as she looked back up at the biggest bot, seeing him tilt his helm up to reveal his neck clicking into place. The second he finished, the rest of the cars transformed while the humans watched with bewildered expressions. Hearing metal shifting behind her, Alex turned back to face the boss bot, only to see him kneeling down to her and the teens, bright blue optics staring right at her and Sam.

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky and Alexandra June Witwicky? Descendants of Archibald Witwicky?" the big robot asked the two humans. Alex narrowed her eyes into a steely look as she stared down the giant bot. Green orbs of steel clashing with blue optics of steel.

"They know your names." Mikaela gasped in a whispered tone.

"Yeah." Sam answered honestly as he stared up at the giant bot.

"My name is Optimus Prime." the red and blue mech introduced himself with a deep baritone voice. "We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet, Cybertron." he explained to the humans, flickering his optics between the three.

'Did I ask?' Alex wanted to say, but she bit her tongue seeing as she was surrounded by not one but five giant alien machines.

"But you can call us Autobots for short." the Hummer suggested to the humans.

'At least I don't have to call them giant aliens machines.' Alex commented in her head, seeing as how no one else could hear her thoughts...hopefully.

"Autobots, huh?" Alex tried out the word, seeing how it suited them.

"What's cracking, little bitches?" the transformed silver Solstice greeted as did a backflip.

Oh Alex already liked him.

"My first-lieutenant, designation Jazz." Optimus introduced the small spunky bot.

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz stated as he jumped back, landing aft first on an old car, crushing it as he crossed his arms and kicked his pedes up.

"What is- How'd he learn to talk like that?" Sam asked as he pointed a finger at the spunky robot.

"We've learned Earth's language through the worldwide web." Optimus answered the boy's question as he stood back up.

"Oh god, he's learned the worst of us." Alex frowned as she shook her head, only to earn a jab from her brother.

"My weapons specialists, Ironhide." Optimus introduced next as the sound of something charging came from behind the humans. The three turned around to see the Pick Up Truck, aiming two charged cannons at them.

"You feeling lucky punk?" Ironhide questioned threateningly as he aimed the charged cannons at them.

Now that shit wasn't gonna fly with the redhead.

"Keep pointing that thing at me, and you'll have a spanner jammed in your throat." Alex narrowed her eyes at the black and silver robot, her tone hard and steely. Everyone stared at the redheaded human that just uttered her warning with such clear conviction that made them think she was actually gonna do it.

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