Chapter 6 - Sector Seven Assholes

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Alex bored her green gaze into the man in the seat in front of her, her head leaned back against the seat's cushion, giving her an eerily calm appearance.

"So...LadiesMan217. That is your eBay username, right?" Agent Simmons, the man who introduced himself with pride, asked Sam as he held up a phone in front of him, turning around to face the three in the back. Alex gave an unimpressed look to her brother while Mikaela gave him a weirded out one.

"Yeah, but you know, it was a typo and I just went with it." Sam tried to defend himself against Mikaela's weird look.

"What do you make of this?" Simmons asked as he pressed a button on the phone, playing a record of Sam's voice. "That you?" he asked once more.

"Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan." Alex huffed under her breath as Mikaela gave an disapproving stare over at Sam.

"Last night at the station, you told the officer that your car transformed." Alex hooded her eyes slightly at his words, giving a bored look at the officer. "Enlighten me." Simmons flickered his gaze between Alex and Sam, trying to coax the answer out of the siblings.

'Bold of him to assume I won't lie through my teeth.'

"Wha-Here's what I said, ok? Cuz this is a total misunderstanding." Sam began as Alex rolled her handcuffed wrists behind her back. "That my car had been stolen." he stated as Mikaela nodded in agreement with his defence.

"Really?" Simmons seemed amused by what the boy was saying.

'I really wanna punch him.'

"From me, from my home! But it's fine now, cuz it's back! It came back." Sam reassured as two sets of eyes shifted over to him at his wording.

"Well not by itself." Mikaela corrected as she spoke up, trying to clear the situation.

"Well no."

"Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy." Mikaela pointed out with a laugh as Sam and Simmons joined in. Alex only tilted her head back, watching through hooded eyes.

"So what do you kids know about aliens, huh?" Simmons asked, cutting off all the laughter in the car as he stared at the three with a hardened look in his eyes.

"E.T phone home." Alex smirked with a high pitched scratchy voice, imitating the infamous alien from the movie named after him.

Sam and Mikaela snorted at her imitation, turning away from the agent that fixated his glare on the smirking girl, as if she were mocking him.

"Oh you think you're funny?" Simmons asked the girl, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"As a matter of fact, I think I am." she retorted, her smirk and mocking look still very present and real on her face.

"You see this?" Simmons pulled out a badge, shoving it in her face. "This is a 'do whatever I want and get away with it' badge." he claimed as Alex rolled her eyes at him.

"Nice. Where'd you get? 7-Eleven?" her smirk widened as the furious gleam in the agent's eyes grew slightly at her ignorance.

"I'm gonna lock you up forever." Simmons claimed fiercely as he showed teens his badge.

"Beats hanging around here with your rambunctious ass." Alex shifted slightly as she fiddled with her handcuffs.

"Ooooh. Using big words now, huh Tomboy." Simmons hissed out the last word, making Sam flinch at the word while Mikaela tensed up. Alex's gaze shifted into a deadly and dark gleam as she stared right at the agent.

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