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Hailey concentrated hard on the image of a doe. The one she saw after taking the potion.

And you may be wondering why would she concentrate on the image of a doe? Because Hailey Potter found out about a year ago that her animagi is indeed a doe (not that she didn't already know since her Patronus is also a doe but after taking the Animagi potion, it was confirmed. So far, she was able to grow a little bit of fur and spots but she was unable to transform into the animal itself. It would be quite hard for someone with the physical strength of an 11-year-old but she knew she was getting there.

It had been no easy feat to acquire all the ingredients and make the potions. Hailey had turned the attic into a little den where she brewed all the potions and prepared all the ingredients. She was worried she would never acquire a veela hair since they were so expensive and exclusively available to potions masters but the opportunity practically served itself in a silver platter in front of Hailey. Sirius met a Veela and brought her home. The next day, he was supposed to be baby-sitting Hailey and Hailey found a nice chunk of white-gold hair on Sirius's normally hairless hairbrush. She of course took all of it and stored it for future use.

She was a whole lot better at potions this time around and quite enjoyed it. Not only because she was a lot older but her mother was always brewing one potion or another as a healer and Hailey loved helping out. She actually learned the theories and reasons that she was unable to learn before under Snape. Obviously, Snape wasn't an efficient teacher when he was bitter and held grudges.

But all of that aside, Hailey focused on turning into a doe again when an owl came through the window scaring the wits out of Hailey and she toppled over. She tried to get up but her body felt different. She looked at her hands which were now replaced with a second set of legs. Hailey somehow walked, trotted and galloped to the mirror and saw herself. She was a little doe. The image in the mirror reminded her of "Bambi", a muggle storybook that Aunt Petunia often read to Dudley and Hailey would listen in while doing her chores. Hailey practised moving around with her new body until she got used to her new limbs but when she tried to turn back, she couldn't.

 Hailey practised moving around with her new body until she got used to her new limbs but when she tried to turn back, she couldn't

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Here is a picture of what I imagine Hailey to look like in her animagi form. Probably with a lightning scar. Some of you may recognize her as Bambi but that is purely coincidental.  

Hailey tried several times to focus on an image of herself to turn back into her original self but it wasn't working. She was in full panic mode. Her parents had left Hailey with her grandparents, if they returned and saw Hailey in this state, they would most definitely kill her. While James was exactly the same in his childhood days, it didn't stop him from calling Hailey out. 

If Hailey pulled a really dangerous stunt, it would be her father that would get all worked up and reprimand her. If she did something like pulling a prank or something, her mother would lightly scold her. Hailey knew she only did that because she had to but deep down she secretly liked it.

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now