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Potter Manor

July 23rd 1992

 It had been almost a month since school had ended and so far, Hailey had been doing nothing but schoolwork and helping with chores. After her little episode with the Sorcerer's Stone, Hailey had been grounded 'till her birthday. Her birthday was a week away and she was sure she would just be bored to death if she had to endure one more day of schoolwork and chores. 

She was already done ALL of her schoolwork but her mother had assigned her more. 

Her exam results had come in yesterday as well. She had gotten an E in History of Magic NEWTS and an O in Charms OWLS. Her dad and Mum were overjoyed and had even allowed her a trip to Diagon Alley.

Hailey packed up all her books ready to call it a night when she spotted a huge light blue bird getting closer to her window. Oh boy...they didn't. As the "bird" came closer, it was quite obvious that it was not a bird but a flying Ford Angelia.

Hailey opened her window to be able to hear Ron.

"WE'RE HERE TO RESUCE YOU" He whisper-yelled.

"Who said I needed to be rescued?" Hailey asked crossing her arms.

"Your note! I got your note. The one where you hid a message,"

*Flashback to the note*:

Dear Ron,

How's life? Mine kinda sucks I got grounded for the whole Philosopher's stone escapade (if you don't know what that means watch "Tangled", it's a muggle movie" and all I can really do is chores and schoolwork.

My OWLS and NEWTS results were pretty good but I won't bore you with the details. I wrote a detailed letter to Mason about that.

Anyways, visit soon.

With lots of love,

Hailey :)

*Flashback ends*

"Oh my god Ron! it was an exageration on my part! I obviously wasn't in solitary confinement in an isolated tower! Grounded means you're on restriction! Don't you ever get grounded?"

"Well, Mum justs-you know," Ron turned beet red and trailed off. Hailey had no clue what he was talking about.

"Well, usually when you're grounded, you don't get to go flying, hang out with friends and basically get to be bored to death but I don't need to be rescued Ronnie."

"Oh well, you stopped writing,"

"No I sent-" Hailey trailed off remembering that her letters were probably stopped by a certain elf named Dobby.

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. A few seconds later her dad opened the door.

"Hey, I'll just tuck you in, prongsl-" James was unable to finish his sentence as he saw the car.

"Is that Fred, George, and Ron? IN A FLYING CAR!?!" he asked.

"We can explain" Fred and George said together.

"You better hope you can, park the car and come in," he said.

Ron and George climbed inside while Fred went to go park the car. They then explained everything to her Mum and Dad. Her Dad seemed to be holding back giggles but was barely managing.

Later, her dad drove the Weasleys back home by road. The Weasleys weren't exactly pleased either but Molly had invited Hailey to come to stay over at a later date in the summer.

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now