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Hailey looked opened the trunk ready to look through the gifts that were sent to her. Over the years she was allowed access to most of the things, but these items were apparently precious and dangerous (at least for a reckless child like Hailey). It made her even more curious to try them out ut her parents had put in special charms so Hailey couldn't access them. 

Her attic had emptied significantly. It had become a kind of like her work area, she had brewed her animagi potion over here. There were a cauldron and a stove at the corner of one of the spots along with a few spare ingredients. She didn't need it anymore, her mum had set up a spot for Hailey to work on her potions her own apothecary after hearing that the 11-year-old had managed to brew the animagi potion just by reading the instruction and Hailey enjoyed brewing potions with her mum. She had kind of grown to become an expert at healing potions. Her mum had told her that in her 6th year she had helped Madame Pomfrey and learned a lot about healing and from there on she pursued her career as a healer.

It was also how Lily had learned about the marauders being animagis. Remus had scratched James in the lower back (as a werewolf obviously) and the wound just wouldn't heal, the boys had tried on their own. Thank god, Madame Pomfrey wasn't there at the moment and Lily attended to James. It was then she learned it was a werewolf's claw mark. She already knew Remus was a werewolf and thought that they had gone into the shrieking shack. She was about to report their dangerous stunt when James gave in. It was then, she saw James's different side. He wasn't just an arrogant toe-rag that cared for nothing else but himself but a loyal friend who had taken a risk that could possibly ruin his life to help his friend.

Her thoughts wandered back to the trunk as she rolled out a deep violet carpet with fine golden details. It was wrapped in elegant tissue and looked so magnificent. There was a note attached to it that explained that the carpet was a magical one that turned into the size of a handkerchief when not needed but resized and found the owner immediately if they blew the tiny gold whistle that came with the carpet. That would be so useful! Hailey admired it for a minute before moving on.

She found the Superspeed boots from Australia she was so eager to try on. She didn't really need them as she was quite fast already but it was a nice addition to her collection. She opened a few other knick-knacks which she remembered seeing but not allowed to touch. At this rate, she would become Dumbledore!

Then, she got the gifts that were given to her because she got her Hogwarts letter. One was obviously the invisibility cloak from her father. She got a few luxurious stationery items and a mysterious gift from her grandparents that Hailey had no clue about. There was a note attached to it:

"A gift for you when you get your Hogwarts letter. It was my dad's. I didn't find much use for it and neither did James but I hope you do- Grandpa"

Hailey unwrapped the present. It was quite heavy and she had to use her wand to move it.

It was a stone basin with silvery, blue liquid inside. It was a pensive! The only one she had seen was the one in the headmaster's office. This one was much smaller than the one in the headmaster's office and had the Potter crest engraved on it rather than ancient runes. It really was a perfect gift. Hailey transfigured an old wooden stool from her attic into a beautiful stone column and placed it into the corner of her room. She then placed loads of charms around it so no one can go snooping near it and placed the pensive on top of the column.


Hailey held Remus's hand to apparate to King's Cross Station. She didn't know why but she felt anxious to go to Hogwarts. Unlike last time, she would miss home. Last time, she was all too happy to leave the Dursleys and even begged to stay during the summer at Hogwarts but this time the goodbye was bittersweet and she had actual tears forming in her eyes as she waved to Remus, Sirus, and her Parents. 

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)Where stories live. Discover now