The prodigal son

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"I'll see you in hell.."

Shouto was sure that he was going straight to hell. Absolutely positive of it. No doubt. But he didn't care, all that mattered was his life with Izuku which he wouldn't allow anyone to cut short.

"Time to make a portal" Izuku chirped.
It was always a treat to watch Izuku make a portal. The way he swung his body as he created the trail of green light behind his finer tips. It was perfection...

Izuku started by standing on his tip toes and lifted one leg as he swung downward, gently gliding toward the floor. He made a slight twist of his ankle to change his direction back up and the portal was made as his fingers once again touched the top of the circle of light that he wove.

The portal flashed twice and Izuku poked his head in only to be yanked through from the other side.

Shouto watched as Izuku was pulled in in a split second. He lunged forward to find izuku trapped in a huge hug from Toga. As small as she looked she was very strong and had Izuku off the ground. Shouto sighed and finished stepping through the portal only to feel a gentle weight bare down on his right shoulder. It was the man with the staples and scars. Shouto had wondered about him. What was his purpose here? His name? He could feel the stranger suck in a breathe as he corrected his stance..

"You did good little brother..." the man said

Shouto looked the man in straight in the face. His scars were a bit grotesque but his eyes stood out the most. They were a familiar brilliant blue. They were they eyes that he saw every time he looked in the mirror... well partially. It was the blue of his fathers gaze. The one his left eye held with such resentment.

Shouto was speechless... he had very vague recollection of his eldest brother... he was just a child when his sibling had supposedly gone missing...
"Touya.... How?-" he was cut short
As Dabi raised his hand to silence his younger brother...
"It's Dabi now. And we don't have to talk about the past but what I do want you to know... is that Izuku is mine so back off. Otherwise we're gonna have issues got it?" He whispered. He gave shouto a pat on the shoulder and sauntered away, hands shoved deep into his pockets.

Shouto shrugged it off for now. He wouldn't let this go but did not feel like dwelling on it for the time being. He was only glad to have his boyfriend home safe and sound. And finally be rid of the haunting presence of his father for good. He walked over to Izuku, smiling wickedly. He swung Izuku up in his arms and kissed him in front of everyone before grabbing his hand and pulling him to their room.

Deliberately passing Dabi and smirking all the while.

Ignoring any and all protests, he wouldn't back down and he would prove that Izuku was all his no matter whose throat he had to cut to prove it..

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