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izuku exited his fathers room with a wide smile. His father had just told him how proud he was of his sons conquest over All might.  Izuku could've cared less, he was too interested in his new playthings.  His father allowed him to keep only one however. Truly Izuku knew who he was keeping from the start, he just wanted to play a bit beforehand.

As Izuku made his way down the small hallway leading to the bar he could hear feral sounding grunts and chains rattling.

He skipped into the bar to see his 'pet' pecking at Bakugous feet.

"Come here chewy!" He sang "Hiya guys, how ya doing!?"

Both captives were chained to chairs in heavy restraints along with muzzles.

The bird cawed and flapped it's way onto Izuku's head and made itself comfy in his nest of green fluff.

"Oh my bad, you can't talk huh? Well anyway so I just talked with father, he said I can only keep one of you." He shrugged.

The dual haired boy didn't move. He just sat there staring straight at Izuku.

"Wassa matter bud you got a staring problem?" He asked bending in to the boys face.

The mixed haired let out a fast breathe and closed his eyes. Izuku pulled back and began to pace between the two captives.

"Now ya see the question is who do I kill and who do I keep? Or should I just kill the both of you?" He giggled.

Izuku had a psychotic look in his eyes and produced a small dagger from a concealed sheath on his thigh.  He swing the small blade in the boys faces and cut each muzzle off with a few quick swipes.

"Deku, you bastard. I'LL KILL YOU!" Bakugou shouted.

Izuku winced and rolled his eyes. He flipped the knife over in hand and looked at the floor.

"You're not helping your case Kacchan, I'd kill you now but Himi wants some blood and I promised her some to let me borrow her knife." Izuku admitted.

"Say, I think I'll just interview you and see who lives after that, of course you'll join the league and junk but if you win my favor you might receive special treatment.." Izuku pulled a chair from across the room and sat down backwards in the chair facing the hostages.

"Question one, how old are you? Oh and answer or you die, simple as that.." Izuku smiled

" You know how old I am deku." Bakugou mumbled.

Izuku pressed his thumb to his temple and sighed. He looked down and closed his eyes before looking back to speak again.

"My. Name. Is. Not. Deku. It's Discord and you will recognize me! I've spent far too long hiding in the shadows pretending I was dead, that hurts you know." Izuku huffed and took a breathe.

"I had to pretend to be dead when I heard my mother died katsuki, you know how hard that is? No, you don't. You don't know loss or suffering but your going to." Izuku breathed as he stood up.

He turned his back and starting walking to exit the bar when he turned on his heel.

"Oh, candy cane head, what's your name by the way?" He snarked.

"Shouto Todoroki, Discord. Nice to meet you." The boy looked Izuku right in the eye then let his head wander to the side.

Izuku chuckled and walked out to go find Toga.

When Izuku found Toga she was laying on his bed laughing at a magazine she'd found in a raid.

He shut the door and flopped backwards onto her. She set the magazine aside and tried to push him off.

"Izu, get off! You're heavy as hell bitch!" She swore.

"Himi, I know who I wanna keep! I need you help though, I need to make Kacchan's death quick and you want his blood so..." Izuku whined.

He slid off her and into the floor. Izuku turned on his knees and faced Toga. He out his hands together and looked into her eyes.

"Please kill him with me bestie? I'll play the trick on Toma-chan with you~" he pleaded

"Promise?" She squeaked.

"Pinky promise!" He agreed.

"Ok I'm coming then." She squealed.

The two jumped up and raced back to the bar almost tripping on each other giggling the whole way. They skidded to a halt in front of the two and fell over giggling at each other.

"What the hell?!" Bakugou barked.

"Oh, Kacchan, this is Himi. She's gonna help me kill you since she wants your blood!" He laughed. "I don't know exactly how she likes to take it since your already kinda cut up!"

"Hiya mister Pomeranian guy! I'm Toga Himiko! I'm gonna take your blood now!" She smiled and pointed to her large canines. 

"Like hell you are!!" Bakugou screamed. He thrashed and squirmed trying in anyway to loosen the chains. It didn't work however and Toga extracted three large tubes of blood.

"All done Izu! So, how do you wanna do this?" She asked.

Izuku cocked his head and tapped his chin.

"I don't particularly care, wanna get Toma-chan? He can do it then we can teach Todoroki here the ropes..." He shrugged.

"May I ask a question Discord?" The calm voice asked.

"Shoot." Izuku replied focusing on the dual haired teen.

"Can I help you?  You see Endeavor is my father and I've been harbouring a hatred for heroes since I was small. I'd like to be liberated." He finished

Izuku looked down at his feet. He walked over to the boy chained to the chair. He planted his knee on the boys and leaned into him. He put a hand to the boys cheek and brought his mouth to the boys ear.

" Long have I waited for a day to get back at Endeavor, with you by my side all will come to fruition." He whispered.

Izuku pulled back and sauntered over to Toga.

"Go get Toma-chan, we're about to have some fun." He whispered to her.

She ran off and he turned to face his captives.

"It's been decided. You win Todoroki, congratulations."

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