Coming Home.

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Izuku woke up with a slow start and a yawn, he looked around his room and saw sunlight flitting in from the blinds. He rubbed his eyes and looked twords his closed bedroom door. the smell of his mothers cooking wafted into the room and filled the entire apartment the mother and son called home.

Izuku's bare feet hit the cool floor and he trudged down the hallway to the kitchen  where his mother was humming to herself while keeping a watchful eye on the bacon she had in the frying pan. 

"...morning mommy.." izuku said sheepishly. He struggled to pull himself onto the tall dinning room chair. He was a small and frail child and at five years old has still not yet shown signs of a quirk...

"Good morning my little hero!"Inko  replied with a soft smile. she hid her anxieties quite well, as her child had shown no signs of a quirk she began to worry that he would be among the quirkless patrons and forever be unable to defend himself against... him... A bitter taste dwelled on her tongue just thinking about it.

"After breakfast you'll need to get dressed, we are going to the doctor to see about your quirk today darling.." she called over her shoulder. Izuku only nodded and laid his head on the table.

Izuku ate sluggishly and trudged back to his room and got dressed in a yellow shirt with bright red lettering and blue shorts. He slipped on his favorite red shoes and joined his mother by the front door.

after a short car ride to the doctors office Izuku sat in the waiting room and twiddled his thumbs and fingers pushing each joint as far as it could go. Inko noticed and grabbed his hands and held them tight in hers.

" Izuku! don't do that! you'll break your fingers!" she exclaimed worried that izuku might hurt himself to badly.

"oh. Sorry mommy." He calmly replied. It looked as if almost snapping his fingers didn't even phase him! 

"Midoriya?" and orderly called she had half her body leaned out the door and looked around. Inko and Izuku silently rose and followed her back behind the door into a hallway with measurement machines. Taking izuku's weight and height down on a clipboard the orderly walked the pair back to room three. 

Thirty minutes go by. Izuku has had his entire body X-rayed and examined. He quite honestly wanted to be done with it all, he didn't care if he had a quirk or not he really wasn't interested in becoming a hero anyway..

The doctor entered the room and sat down in front of the anxious mother and indifferent son. he looked over his charts and looked back at the pair having the attention of both now. He first looked to the anxious mother and then back and Izuku who had again preoccupied himself with his hands. 

"Well... It appears that Izuku does have a quirk..." the doctor sighed with a heavy tone.

"That's great! Did you hear that Izuku?!" Inko beamed. She was glad that her son would not be left to be ridiculed and defenseless.

"Ah.. about his quirk though miss, I believe he should know this as it is very serious," the doctor turned his gaze to the small boy on the table in front of him "His quirk is SSS rated and extremely dangerous if not controlled properly, not only to him but to others around him as well..."

 Inko's face fell, what quirk could her son possibly have that would be triple S rated?!?!

"Doctor, what is izuku's quirk?" inko implored, becoming more and more nervous by the second. 

" Well miss , his quirk is unlike anything we've ever seen before... He has the ability of any ability... He can create any sort of quirk he wants and use it right then and there.. although due to quirks being a more physical asset to us he will experience the draw back of the quirk he uses.. but according to these charts he could counter the draw backs with a stamina or regeneration quirk and be completely fine... in other words , Izuku is completely invincible with and endless amount of power..." the doctor leaned back and gave a stale huff. 

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