10.2 || An Impossible Promise

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Josh lunged out of the way of the large body heading straight his way. He rolled onto his feet, a shrill crack echoing behind him. He spun back to the ogre, and his eyes went wide. It growled before flinging a tree at him.

Channeling energy to his hand, he rushed out of the small tree's path and held his palm toward the ogre. The light shot from him and slammed right into the ogre's chest. It flew back from the impact.

Bullseye! Victory welled up in Josh's chest. That should slow it—

The ogre dug its feet into the ground, stopping its flight. It rubbed its chest, hate-filled eyes burning into Josh as it grunted and growled what sounded like words.

He didn't understand any of it, but he had a feeling he needed to clean his ears regardless.

I'm trying to find Cale's dragon. Boomer's voice wavered as he rushed out the words. He has to be around here somewhere. Josh, just don't... don't...

Don't worry, Boomer. He adjusted his stance so he stood in a ready position, his sword and shield between him and the ogre. The memory of Boomer's crumpled parents flashed through his mind. I'll survive. Somehow.

It was an impossible promise to make. He knew it, and he sensed Boomer knew it, but he needed something to steel his nerves. An impossible promise would have to do.

The light blast must have affected the ogre to some degree because it approached much slower in a small arch. Josh twisted on the balls of his feet to follow its path.

A black flash and sudden tingle provided his only warnings before a ball of darkness slammed into his shield arm. He clamped his jaw down against a yelp as a burning sensation spread from his shoulder. Annoying, but nothing unbearable—

The ogre charged forward. It had gotten off to his side while the woman's darkness ball distracted him, and he barely had time to get turned around and lift the shield between him and the beast's ginormous arm.

A numb tingle claimed the part of his arm that wasn't burning and his legs almost buckled from the impact.

Focus. If he could only focus and remember his training, he would be fine. But as the ogre swung again and he barely dodged, all that Ioana and Akachi had taught him felt as distant as the Sanctuary itself. In its place thrummed an insistent buzz of fear.

He slashed wildly, only aware enough through the fog of adrenaline and pain to keep the ogre between him and the possessed woman. The ogre grunted, dodging a few strikes before stepping forward. Josh's blade bit into its chest, but before it could sink very far, the ogre slammed a fist into his sternum.

The breath whooshed out of Josh as the blow sent him flying back. He collided with the ground, a breathless scream grating against his throat. A tear-blurred shadow passed over him. He rolled out of the way a second before the ogre crashed down where he had landed.

Survive. Josh's promise rang through his mind as he stood to his feet. He heaved for breath and lifted his shaking arms. All he needed to do was survive.

I can't find Ezraim, but Jodas is close. He can reach out to Ezraim, and he can tell Cale. Just a little bit longer, Boomer said.

Will do. Josh blocked another strike from the ogre and countered with a cut to its shoulder. Even with blood oozing from the new wound, the ogre continued to barrel at him unfazed.

He ducked and twisted around the ogre's next attack. His focus zeroed in on its exposed back. He lunged forward to strike—

A ball of darkness hit his thigh. His leg buckled, and he hit the ground on his knees. The woman cackled as he got up and spun, rushing out of the ogre's range.

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