22.1 || Place on the Team

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Mara placed a firm hand on Josh's knee so he wouldn't jerk his leg away. Again.

"The more you move, the harder this is," she said, not looking at him.

Fighting against the heat in his cheeks, Josh thudded his head against the wall he leaned against. "I know. Sorry."

Yet when she poured more ice-cold water into his wound to clean it, he flinched.

I thought you were super tough or something, Boomer said, laughter lacing his words.

Josh frowned. Yeah, as in tough enough not to get injuries for most of my life. Not exactly used to the sting of them being cleaned.

Boomer still snickered, and Josh gave him a huffing shove through the bond. Stupid overgrown lightning lizard.

"Remember to focus on keeping energy away from your leg. You don't want it healing too early," Cale advised. He sat on the windowsill much like Josh had earlier—back against one side of it— allowing him to look between the room and outside. At the moment, he watched Mara's cleaning session.

Josh sighed and drew his energy to his chest. The insistent sting worsened.

After a few more cups of water and dabbing at his leg with a cloth she had ripped from her sleeve, Mara sat back and examined her work. "I can't say there is nothing in there, but it's minor enough you can heal through it without risk of infection."

"Thanks." Josh let his energy flow back into his legs, and instant relief swept over him. He never could have imagined how annoying pain was.

"Now it's your turn." Cale slid off the windowsill and walked over to Mara.

She pursed her lips. "I'm fine, Caleb. Most of my injuries are minor. Anyway," she added, eyes narrowing when he winced, "you should be sitting down."

"I'll sit down while I clean that gash on your side." Without waiting for an argument, he lowered himself to the ground. "Josh, take watch," he said through clenched teeth.

Aharon's eyes followed Josh as he used the wall to push himself up. The odd boy had returned to being all child, curled up in a ball on the bed and watching with fearful fascination.

Josh shot him an encouraging grin before taking Cale's spot at the window. Despite knowing what he would see, his gaze traveled to the oasis. A layer of earth covered the water. Below it would be a thicker wall of ice. A basket lay overturned, fish spilling from its top.

His stomach rumbled. He could kill for some meat right then.

Apparently hearing it, Cale said, "We'll get some dates later," then pressed another cleaned sleeve—this one from Mara's other arm—to her wound.

A sharp inhale was the only indication it hurt her.

Dates were better than nothing, but Josh struggled to shove the thought of cooked fish from his mind as he glanced over the city.

"What do we do after we rest?" he asked. "Besides, you know, eat more dates."

Cale pursed his lips, brows drawing together in thought. "According to Ezraim, the others have only found mention of an exit at the temple's end."

Josh nodded, more to himself than Cale, and turned to watch the ruined city. "My parents used Boomer to tell me the same."

"But—sorry," Cale said when Mara hissed at something he did. "But it seems the books they received from the Sages are unsure if the temple is the entire dimension or an actual building. They see different things depending on the books."

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