2.1 || No Pain, All Gain

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JOSH SHOT UP with a barely restrained cry. Someone jerked out of the way just in time to avoid a head-on collision. Josh heaved for breath, one hand grasping the cloth over his chest and the other one propping him up.

A small crowd formed a ring around him. Mrs. Barlo stood separate from the students, her walkie talkie in hand. She glanced between Josh and Mr. Willis. The other gym teacher crouched near Josh while Darren stood on Josh's other side, face taut.

"Davidson?" Mr. Willis placed a hand on Josh's shoulder. Josh fought the urge to flinch away from the touch. "How you feeling?"

He felt as if he'd been sprinting at full speed just to run into a brick wall. Adrenaline buzzed through his body, but no amount of extra energy could help him take in breaths deep enough to fill his lungs.

Instead of that, Josh said, "Like I hit the ground too hard."

Mr. Willis frowned. "You did hit the ground pretty hard, but..." He pressed his lips together and turned to Mrs. Barlo. A silent conversation passed between them. "You may have been out for a few seconds. Are you sure you're okay? I need you to be honest here with me."

Josh tensed. Out, as in knocked unconscious. Even if Mr. Willis wasn't sure, the possibility remained that the big-headed jerk knocked him out.

A realization slipped through his wounded pride, and Josh grew cold. He had never passed out before, and his daydreams had never made it seem like he had. What was going on?

"Davidson?" Mr. Willis said.

No, Josh wasn't sure he was okay, but his throat closed around the truth. Telling the teachers about the daydreams was one thing, but he could feel the pressure of twenty-some gazes fixed on him, aware of his every word. He didn't need all of his classmates knowing about his weird condition. Or that it could be making him lose his mind.

He gulped. "Yeah, I'm okay, honest. I don't think I passed out. I was just dazed maybe." Josh tried for a nonchalant grin, but a twisting in his chest almost turned it into a grimace.

Mr. Willis examined Josh, lips pressed together in disbelief. "Well, it's better to be safe than sorry, especially in cases that involve the head." He glanced at Mrs. Barlo for a second before settling his gaze on Darren. "Well, Gifford, mind helping our friend here to the nurse?"

Josh flinched and caught his protest just before it could burst from his lips. Darren taking him was a horrible idea, but he couldn't say that to Mr. Willis. When teachers looked at Darren Gifford, all they saw were his excellent grades and outstanding football achievements. Mr. Willis, being the football coach, was more blind than the others.

Meaning Mr. Willis wouldn't notice that something burned deep within Darren's eyes or that his tight smile held a dozen unspoken threats. Only Josh did. It felt like it was always only Josh.

Given what he had worked out with Darren, though, maybe that was for the best.

"Of course, Coach," Darren said.

"Thank you, Gifford. Here, let me help you, Davidson." Mr. Willis placed a hand on Josh's arm and guided him to his feet. "Take it slow if you need, and if you need to stop and have Gifford come back to us, do so."


After a parting pat on Josh's shoulder, Mr. Willis turned back to the others and clapped his hands. "Okay, class, time to get back to your places. Johnson, select another goalie."

Josh walked off without sparing a glance at Darren. Tom caught his eye, grinning.

"Great way to get out of class," he said when Josh approached.

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