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London, Spring 2011

*Sophie's POV*

I sigh as I look out of the window of my small flat here in the south of London. I have packed my case for a journey that is the hardest I've ever had. But this is what comes with my job.
I have been a wedding planner for five years now and I must say this wedding now is the hardest of all. Not from the tasks or because of a bitchy bride, no. It's the wedding venue that makes my stomach turn upside down.
It has been 6 years since I was forced to break up with the love of my life, Gary. Yep. Gary Barlow, one of the biggest popstars in the UK right at the moment. I still love him. But time changes things and I never had the guts to actually search him and speak to him. What is there to say? He must have found another woman by now. I don't know it though, I try to ignore every headline that involves him, just because it pains me. It pains me that I was so stupid and let someone blackmail me.

Suddenly my phone rings. It's my alarm. I have to go. I take my bag and walk downstairs to my car. I drop everything in and get inside. I turn the key around and sigh out loud. I dread this journey. I really do.

A few hours later I arrive at the huge iron gates that once were mine. I almost want to cry as I drive up the long driveway to the mansion where the wedding is taking place: Delamere Manor. Gary's old mansion. And mine. I really don't know how I'm going to cope with having to sleep in the house where I spent the three most wonderful years of my life. I can't do this. But I have to. It hurts but it's my job not to give into my emotions.

I get outside and am greeted by a young man "Welcome to Delamere Manor! Can I help you?"
I smile "Hello. Sophie Jones. I'm the wedding planner."
"Oh yes. I'll show you around."
I smile wryly "No need to. I know this place better than I probably should."
"Oh, how come?"
I sigh and look around but before I answer my eyes grow big as I can see an older woman on the other side of the hedge, just out of earshot. I quickly gesture for the lad to go inside and practically run inside. Shit. She saw me. Gary's mum. I'm dying.

*Gary's POV*

I sigh as I close my bag. I'm dreading this journey. If there is one place I don't like to visit too often it's my old mansion. I have no problems with visiting my parents or my brother even though they still live right next to it, but this time I have to actually sleep inside the main house, which was in fact mine. And the most dreadful thing of all is that the reason for all this is that one of my friends decided to get married there. It pains me to know that I could have been the luckiest bastard in the world by marrying the love of my life, Sophie, at that very same venue, but instead I'm here, mourning after her after 6 years, while she is probably already married with kids to some other man.

Suddenly my phone rings. Mum. I roll my eyes and pick up "What? I'm up at yours in three hours anyway."
"Hello to you. Sit down son. This will shock you."
"I saw Sophie" my mum deadpans.
I choke "You what?! Where? When?"
"About 5 minutes ago. At the house."
My eyes grow big "The house as in?"
"As in."
I end the call and cry again.
Why. Why on this good damn planet do I have to see her happy at the wedding of my friend at our old house?

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