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*Sophie's POV*

I check everything for the last time. Perfect. The first guests arrived already and I showed them to their rooms. It's the late afternoon already and I'm waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.

Suddenly they arrive. Sarah and her fiancé Jack.
I smile politely "Welcome! Everything is prepared. If you want to, we can have a look around later, but I suppose you should first have time to relax a bit?"
Sarah smiles back "Thank you so so much. Sounds perfect. You know, you can enjoy everything too. Spend some time with other people, attend the wedding tomorrow, you know?"
I nod "Thank you very much. I think all your guests have arrived by now, so... not much to do for me at the moment."
We say our goodbyes and they go off to their room. Then I hear a voice behind me and my heart stops.
"I suppose you forgot one of the guests."
I turn around and look into his eyes, nearly dying and crying and everything right on spot "Gary! I...I...Sorry...I have something to check...See you.."
I quickly get away and run towards my room, closing the door behind me and sinking down to the floor, tears streaming down my face. I can't do this. I simply can't. Why? Why? Why?

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door "Sophie?"
I swallow away the pain "Go away. I can't speak to you."
I can hear a sob on the other side of the door "Sophie please. I'm not angry with you. I just want to talk with you. Please."
I consider it and then decide that it is in fact the best to let him in. I open the door and gesture for him to sit down on the bed "What do you want Gary?"
He sighs "The answer to my question that I carry around for 6 years now. What happened?"
I start to cry again "You wouldn't believe me anyway."
He looks at me "Who do you think I am Sophie?! An arsehole that just wants to see the love of his life cry? Can I give you a quick reality check? I have been spending the last six years of my life trying to find a wife, but it was just a waste of time because the only woman I want is standing right in front of me!"
I choke "Sorry. Oh Gary...I...I...I don't know where to start..."
He sighs "At the beginning."
I nod and sigh too.

"...and then I got a letter a week later, saying that if I wouldn't leave you, you'd be getting hurt. I never actually wanted to leave you Gary...I...I loved you...And...I actually do to this day...But...Who am I to say this?" I look at Gary.
He shakes his head and suddenly opens his arms "Come here."
I slowly come closer and he pulls me into his arms so my face is pressing into his chest.
He presses his lips against my hair and whispers "I love you too."
I look up with big eyes "You...you...do? You don't hate me?"
Gary shakes his head "I love you. More than life. And if you want...you know...I actually still have your ring...I always hoped that you'd come back one day..."
"Oh Gary..." I slowly lean in and our lips softly and sweetly meet, just as if nothing had happened.

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