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Hello. Hi. Hope everyone is having a good day. I just wanted to introduce the story. Okay thanks for reading haha. I plan to follow the plot of Captain America: The Winter Solider, set after the Blood of Olympus for now and add in a few twists. All credits go to Marvel and Rick Riordan for all the content from their original stories that I shall be using. Let's make it spicy.

Lots of people feared him. What he had accomplished, what he had sacrificed, what he had become. Beginning as any other camper, yet set on a path few would survive and coming to lead his people to victory when the cost to himself was his world crumbling down around him.

But no one knew him as he knew himself. He needed space to breathe and process. As much as his heart longed to see the grounds of his childhood, present, and future flourish after the destruction and even unite, he had done his part. It was time to leave lest he bring his other enemies closer to home.

Hydra had offered to bring her back safely as long as he agreed to the research for a year's time. He had dug further before accepting and saw the beginnings of discovering the nature of inhumans. In one perspective, if he volunteered himself, no one else had to get hurt and she would be home safe and sound. But, as the fates would have it, he volunteered for more than he signed up for and by the end or beginning of the end of it all, he had forgotten the purpose of it all.

The pains of his past slowly melted into unconscious dreams of bliss as the present months caught up with him. Everyday it was dark, bleary, and routine. But, he had the gut feeling that he possessed something that could throw the world upside down. Something more than what his superiors politely asked him to tap into, yet never recorded down for fear that he would be dragged down further into the circle.

"You kneel before my throne unaware that it was born of lies." 

The Inner Circle (Percy Jackson x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now