Chapter 3: Don't Do It

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Thank you for reading everything so far. Hope y'all are staying safe and healthy out there. Let's make it spicy.

Fury looked up in a slight daze and waited for his vision to clear up as he hung upside down in his car. Why couldn't he just enjoy one day out in the city?

He looked out of his now broken window and saw two figures in all black walking towards him with guns. One of them had a metal arm with a mask covering a majority of his face. The other looked a little leaner, but he could make out his dark hair and green eyes.

Though he wanted to try to memorize more details to search up later, Fury reminded himself that he had to survive in order to do that. He took out his pocket laser cutter and began cutting through the roof of his car, mainly aiming for the sewer cover he was currently over for a narrow escape.

The light of the laser working blinded Percy as they continued walking towards him. Is he really lighting a firework in his car as we are going to kill him?

Winter and Percy reached the tipped over car as the light stopped shining. The Winter Soldier quickly reached for the door and using the strength of his metal armed, ripped the door off its hinges for a clean shot.

Percy had his gun aimed at where Fury should have been, but quickly lowered it to see the still sizzling hole in the ground.

The Winter Soldier let out a grunt in frustration. Percy tapped on his earpiece to report to the handler as it looked like Winter was going to remain silent.

"Fury escaped."

"Alright, come meet us on 2952 Carlton Avenue. We are regrouping and figuring out our next steps." The handler quickly responded.

"Roger that."

Percy turned to the Winter Soldier. "You heard him Winter, let's go back."

The Winter Soldier slung his gun back onto his shoulder and began walking with Percy to report their findings about what went down.

They had only been walking for a few minutes when another command came through the earpiece. "Otslezhivat' yego."

It was Dr. Cadley's voice coming through the earpiece. Winter and Percy immediately stopped walking because that meant to track him.

Before the earpiece went silent, Percy caught a snippet of the conversation the handler was having with Dr. Cadley.

"Let them loose, they will finish the job per the programming."

"Alright, we will track them from a distance."

What did Dr. Cadley mean by programming?

Percy came out of his thoughts when he noticed that the Winter Soldier began retracing their steps to the car without another word. They walked back together and observed the man made hole that Fury had escaped through.

"I guess we'll see where this leads." Percy said.

Winter jumped down the hole first and Percy came shortly after. Though it was dark, the little bit of light coming through their entrance showed small drops of blood going through the tunnels.

"Twelve, turn on your flashlight." Winter had already followed the blood until it was too dark to see any further.

"Yep, got it." The two began walking through the muddy and damp sewer lines with Percy's flashlight leading the way.

Through the months that they had interacted together, Percy now just realized that he had never asked for Winter's name. It had actually gone both ways. The Winter Soldier had also never learned that his name was Percy, he always said Twelve.

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