Chapter 4: Ghostbusters

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Updates are officially scheduled for the weekends. Let's keep it spicy.

Steve rode with the apparent S.T.R.I.K.E. team to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Though the seat itself was comfortable, the unwavering stink eye the leader was giving him was almost unbearable.

What is his problem? The great Captain America tried his hardest not to make eye contact with the leader in hopes of leaving right after his meeting with S.H.I.E.L.D. But, now that he knew the organization was compromised, who could he really trust with anything?

They finally arrived at base and the soldiers began going off to their respective stations. "Alexander Pierce wants you to meet him in his office." The unnamed leader said to Steve as they got out of the back of the van together.

"Thanks, I'll see you around." Steve responded with a little curt wave.

The man turned around as if refusing any nice words that came out of his mouth.

Steve sighed. This was going to be a long day.

He began walking towards the front doors to retrieve his uniform before meeting Pierce in case anything happened. It was a little gloomy outside, but didn't look like it was going to rain anytime soon as the clouds looked like they were running across the sky. Before he knew it, Steve had already walked from the garage to the large metal doors looming in front of him.

At first, it would seem like a very well-guarded office space, but this was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most valuable bases. It contained Project Insight in its basement after all. And to think that was only the basement, just wait until people saw the amount of information and data and technology on the upper levels. The base was surrounded by water on the outside and the only accessible entrance was the long bridge that connected to the main road.

The ladies at the entrance giggled at the sight of him as he nodded in their direction politely. Steve walked through the familiar halls as he remembered meeting Fury in his office not too long ago. He still couldn't quite believe that someone had killed Fury right before his eyes. He was going to find whoever that man with the metal arm was and put him to trial.

Steve reached his personal locker room and quickly changed into his uniform. He strapped his shield to his back and began making his way to Pierce's office.

Somehow with Fury gone, S.H.I.E.L.D. already felt different. Maybe he was in his own head, but Steve felt like people were staring at him when he was walking through the hallways. He continued to keep politely smiling at all of them as he sped up just a little bit.

Once on the correct floor, he turned the corner and saw Alexander Pierce talking with his neighbor from the apartments. Wait, what was she doing here?

She certainly looked a lot different in a business suit and S.H.I.E.L.D. security badge. But, she still had her blonde hair curled and exhibited a friendly warmth.

When she saw Steve had turned the corner, she quickly finished her conversation with Pierce and walked towards him. "Captain Rogers."

As quickly as she had said his name, she was already walking away. He had only gotten the chance to nod back in response through his confusion.

"Oh Captain, I'm Alexander Pierce."

The man was slightly leaning against the door frame with his coffee in hand. He was a few inches shorter than Steve and had thick square glasses around his eyes. Pierce had dusted brown hair and was also in a formal, gray business suit. He also had his hand out in greeting.

Steve firmly grasped Pierce's hand in acknowledgement. "Sir, it's an honor."

"No, the honor is mine, Captain. My father served in the 101st."

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