Jacks POV

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"Hey Jack? How would you ask someone to be a part of your life forever?" I stare at the Doctor with wide eyes as I hear him say that. "In what way?" I ask back genuinely curious. "I-I mean as in, well, staying with me. not just as a companion, but as a lover." I hold back a gasp, he's asking me how to ask Rose to marry him. "Well Doc, there's a ceremony here on Earth called marrig-"

"That's what I was looking for! Marrige. How can I ask Rose to marry me?" I smile at the Doctor due to his ignorance, I've already taught him the basics to a human relationship, marrige is a whole other thing... "Well, lets go to my office and talk about that eh?"

I told the Doctor that he needed to show how much he cared for Rose and that humans prove it with the symbol of a ring. "Why a ring?" I smile at him, "Because, well, uh, y-you're smart. There's some books in the library." I shrug "look it up." He laughs before getting up to go. "So Doc do you understannd what you have to do?" He takes a shaky breath before answering. "Yes Jack, I believe I do." He smiles and nods thankfully, I nod back and he walks out the door, bursting in seconds later. "Uh Jack, where are we going to get the ring from?" I smile at the Doctor, "We'll go nnow if you want? I know a jewelery shop we can go to to get the ring." I saw the Doctor smile with excitment. "Okay Jack, Alonsy!"

About an hour later

Once the Doctor and Rose shared a cute goodbye, we left for the Jewerley shop called, Jims Jewerles. "Ah Jack! Ianto! How may I help you on such a lovley day?" Jim asks as. He looks over to the Doctor and shoots us a confused look. "Hey John, why don't you go with Jimbo here and, we'll meet you outside in on hour okay?"

another hour later

Ianto and I are standing outside of Jims Jewlers when the Doctor walks out with a grin upon his face. He holds out the box proudly and I open it to see what the ring looks like. I gasp when I see how beautiful it looks. It's a golden bades ring (AN, Don't judge me, I've never been ring shopping before) with a gold outlined ruby Rose on it. On the inside of the ring, there is writing which I can't read, which means it's most likley Gallifreynian. "Hey Doc? What does this say?" I ask and he looked at the wording on the inside of the ring. "Rose Tyler I-." He looked at the ring for a bit longer before finishing. "Ah, it's on the top too. Rose Tyler I love you."

Hey guys, I know, short chapter and the chapters are probably getting worse, I don't know how long it'll be till I update again so here is the big surprise for yall
Caio Scarletjaz

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