I open my eyes and everythig is hazy. I try to sit up but my elbows and hands are pinned to whatever I'm on. I didn't notice this at first but I can see and taste blood. I can't breathe, I gasp for air only to find my throat being opperated on, what? I try to force my self up when I feel a pang in my throat, right wrist and left wrist, letting out a scream I feel someone pushing down on my chest. I can't hear what they're saying, and I can't really see either, but I do know that whatever's happening isn't good. I feel something stab my leg and everything goes black and my mind is f... f... fuz... z... z.
I wake up in my bed feeling fresh a a daisy. 'What happened last night?" I mumble to myself. I shrug and laugh it off. "Well if I don't remember it it musn't have been that imporant." I have a big thrill of energy pumping through me today as I am planning on asking Rose out again. But not as the Doctor, as Doctor John Smith. I bounce up and get changed so quickly it feels like time has stopped for me Well that would have been a first. I dash out of my room and make a bee line for Rose's before Jack stops me and just stares at me. "You alright Jack?" I ask. I try to get through but he moves to block me. "Jack." I whine as he just looks at me. "Remember Do- John." He looks like he's biting his tongue. "She still has amnesia. Just don't do or say anyting to rash." I nod qiuckly before finishing my bee line to Rose's door. I knock 4 times cringing as I finished the knocks. "Hello, Rose? Can I come in?" I ask as Rose opens the door looking tired. "Oh hey John, sure come in." She smiles at me before she let's me in.I sit in my normal chair and Rose sits on her bed. I pretend to be looking through "Important Documents" just so that she wouldn't notice that I'm looking at her. "Um hey I was wonder-"
We both say in unison. I feel my cheeks turn pink, I laugh and she does the same. "U-uh-hm. Sorry you go first..." She starts stuttering, I take a deep breath gaining more courage. "Do you want to go out with me?" I stare at her because we said that in unison again. I look at her and smile. I hold her hand softly and look at her in those beautiful eyes of hers. "Of corse I will. Rose Tyler, I want to be with you as much as I can from now on. I love you." As I say this she leans towards me and kisses me softly. She pulls back and I rush back into it, kissing her like she's the last human alive. I notice her stop and I pull out. "S-sorry I-"
she looks at me and her face is pale but there is no expression. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and she falls back onto the bed. "Jack!" I scream. He comes rushing up the stairs and into Rose's room quicker than I could say 'help.' I study Rose's face while she is asleep. I don't know what to do. And what happened last night, it's like nothing ever happened. I decided not to think about that now. Jack and I get shoved out of the room by Owen and Martha, I still don't know why she's here, and why is it no one else can notice her?
"Jack what happened last night?" I ask suddenly becoming curious. We are in the kitchen, Ianto made tea for us and he make seriously good tea and coffe. "Well you helped us with some work, you sat down for some tea and fell asleep in your chair... Then Ianto and I carried you to bed." I nodded slowly remembering none of that. Suddenly I notice my hands. They feel limp, almost like they're not there, and I'm never wearing a skivvy? I never wear skivvi's. I look at Jack with confusion. "Why am I wearing a skivvi?" He just looks at me. "Because thats what you pulled out of your closet this morning." He replies simply. I nod my head, because I didn't pay much attention to what I put on. I pul up my sleeve and notice a white mark going across my wrist. A scar? I think to myself as I stare at Jack. "Okay Jack. Stop lying to me! What happened last night and why don't I remember?" I ask sternly raising my voice. "I don't think you'd want to-"
"Just Tell Me!" I shout. I see Jack take a deep breath before starting to speak again. "You don't remember what happened last night because I ereased it. And I'm not going to tell you why. Because do you wanna know what happened the last time I told someone something that they had forgotten? Well, let's just say they're still in trouble because of it. I did you a favour doctor, I said I'd push myself past my limits to protect the one's I love, and You Doctor are one of them." The way he's looking at me, makes me want to hinde under the table. But it also makes me angrier and more curious to find out what happened. "Doctor, you may not know this, but Earth has a saying. I think you've heard it, 'Curiosity killed the cat'." And with that he gets up and leaves. Leaving me alone in the kitchen with a headache. "But satisfaction brought it back" I say remembering the rest of the saying. I sit down at the table and lie my head on the wood slowly doze off.
About an hour after the kitchen incident I go for a walk around the Torchwood base before going back to Rose's room to check on her. I knock three times before someone who is not Rose opens the door. "M-martha!" I ask in shock. She just looks at me, "how can you notice me Doctor?" I look down at the necklace she's wearing and have a sudden realization. "Ohh." I put my hands into my pockets. I gave her that necklace when we were rescuing her family. "Martha, what are you doing to Rose?" I ask in a soft but very serious vioce. "Oh, me, well, I-I-I'm just visiting. Yeah just visiting." She said that way too qiuckly for my liking. "Let me in Martha. Rose? Rose sweet heart, are you okay?" I look into the room and see Rose on the floor unconsicous. "Rose!" I push Martha out the way a pull the necklace off her neck in the process. Suddenly all the alarms in Torchwood go off signaling that there is an intruder. I glare at Martha before I sprint to Rose's side and lift her head off the ground. I see Martha try to run off, "not so fast!" I growl before looking up from Rose. "What have you done." I speak sternly before standing up. Jack and Ianto sprint into Rose's room holding guns. They look around confused. "Where's the intrud-"
"You're looking at her." I quietly snap. Ianto and Jack look at Martha, then back at me. "Doctor Martha's one of us. Aren't you, Martha?" I look back down at Rose and place my hands on the sides of her head, examining her mind. "It's been tampered with." I say softly. "She should have had her full memory back about a week ago. Martha what did you do?" I look up to her with hurt, disgust and fear in my eyes. She hold out a device. "UNIT wanted me to try out this new gadget they have made. It's called the memory keeper." My stare turns into a cold hard glare. How could she use My Rose as a crash test dummy. "Basically what it does is, it is ment to be used on someone with amnesia. So they will remember less slower." she states factually "Human experimentation, typical. But why Rose!?" I raise my voice to prevent it from cracking. "Why Rose Martha!" I can see her loosing confidence as she takes a deep breath, to prevent herself from breaking. "B-because. I-I" She looks away. "Yeah because?" I ask starting to become desperate for an answer. "Because Doctor. I'm confused with the way you work. You say you're enemies with Torchwood, and here you are, accepting their hospitality-"
"So basically you're trying to get back at me for loving someone else." I state raising an eyebrow. "Martha you have to understand. When a Timelord loves someone it may not last forever. But if a human loves a Timlord enough, and not just because he/she kisses someone when they first meet, or the way they look. But because they want to be with them forever. Amazing things can happen Martha. Now I'll give you some time to think about that. But in the mean time." I nod to Jack and within seconds he has Martha pinned to the floor, face down and is putting handcuffs on her wrists. "Well I believe Jack can finish the rest of that statement..." And with that I look back down at Rose who is still unconcsious. I kiss her head softly before I pick her up and lightly place her on the bed. "Owen!" I hear Ianto yell. Owen comes rushing up the stairs and into the room. he takes one look at Rose, "I got this." He sighs before kicking us out of the room, Again!
Hey Guys, sorry for the wait on the story. As promised it's not as bad as the last chapter. As usual, tell me if you want more, or if you have any constructive critisism. Also something intresting, I would like to thank iamruination for editing 1/2 of my story. so the second half is "un-edited." and sorry to leave you guys on a bit of a cliff hanger here, but it's late and I need sleep.
scarletjazzy :)
