Chapter 7

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"Jotaro, what do you think it will be like in America?" Kakyoin asked as he packed away one of his game consoles.

"Better than here."

"Oh, come on. Japan isn't that bad."

"I guess not. But I'm ready for a fresh start where no one knows me."

"I know you."

"You don't count."

"Ugh. Right through the heart."

"Tch! You know what I mean!"

Kakyoin laughed, "Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Are you sure you want to go with me?"

"Absolutely. And who says I'm going with you? You're going with me."

Jotaro smirked, "Sure I am." He said, "And how many of those game things do you have?"



Kakyoin shrugged, "Don't ask me. Jiji is the one that keeps buying them for me."

Jotaro just shook his head, "Old man really likes you."

"Well, I am his favorite."

"Tch! Whatever." He replied, playfully shoving his friend.

"Hey! Don't be jealous."

"How could I be jealous of your scrawny ass?"

"My ass is fabulous! Thank you very much."

"Damn right about that." Jotaro thought.

"I think we're done in here. Should we start on your room?"

Jotaro stopped and looked around the room at all the boxes, "Yeah. Let's take a break first. I'm hungry."

"Of course you are. It's been a whole hour since you've eaten."

"Mom was making cherry pie..."

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" Kakyoin said, grabbing Jotaro's arm and dragging him out of the bedroom.


Kakyoin flopped down onto the couch in his and Jotaro's apartment and groaned.



"We still have to unpack..."

"Not right now, we don't."

Jotaro sighed and flopped down next to Kakyoin, "Yeah. I guess it can wait until tomorrow. What do you think of the apartment?"

"It's huge. Jiji really went all out. Especially with the allowance he's giving us."

"He's just showing off."

"He's being generous. We should do something nice for him the next time he visits."

Jotaro just grunted in reply.

Kakyoin let himself slide sideways until he rest his head against his friends shoulder, "I'm never moving again."

"You're going to live here forever, huh?"

"Yes. We are."



Jotaro shrugged, "If you say so, Nori."


"Are you falling asleep?"


Jotaro looked down to find Noriaki's eyes already half closed. Jotaro decided to take the chance he'd long wanted to take and slid his arm around Noriaki's shoulders, pulling him closer to rest against his chest. The redhead roused just a bit, giving a soft hum in question of Jotaro's actions.

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