Chapter 10

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Noriaki sat in the back seat of the taxi, still shaking, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Where to?" the driver asked a third time.

Noriaki sniffed, "A umm...a hotel, please. I don't care which one..."

"Alright. There's a nice one not far from here, if that's ok?"

"It's fine..."

"Umm, I don't mean to pry, but are you alright?"

"I...I don't know..."

"Uhh, would you like to call someone? You could borrow my phone."

"No. Thank you. I think I just need...some time away."

The driver only nodded as he pulled the taxi into the hotel, "Alright. Here we are."

Noriaki dug into his pocket for his wallet.

"It's on me."

Noriaki's eyes widened, "'re sure?"

"You just get to feeling better."

"Thank you...Thank you..." he said as he got out of the car.

A little while later, he paced his hotel room, thinking over what he'd learned that day.

How could he be a fake? A clone? What did that mean? Was he even human? How was it possible that he had even the basic knowledge he seem to naturally have? How had they created him? Did they still have the original Noriaki Kakyoin's body?

The thought of the original Noriaki made his knees weak and he fell to the floor, barely able to keep his sobs moderately silent. He was the copy of a man who gave his life to save his friends. How could a copy live up to that? What did he have to offer? A few slightly good art pieces? A decent meal now and then? A witty comment? A decent, consistent fuck?

What was his purpose now?

He no longer had one. He was no one. Nothing. Just a tool used to save someone more valuable.


Jotaro, the love of his life. His reason for living. Who did Jotaro really love? Did he love the copy or the man long dead? Who did he see when they made love? The man in bed with him or the man he was created from?

Was anything in his life real?

His sobs grew louder as his heart broke into pieces.


Across town, Jotaro stalked through their apartment, worried sick over the condition Noriaki was in when he left.

What could be running through his mind right now? How was he feeling? What questions did he have that were going unanswered because he ran off?

Jotaro was a mess, worried sick about his boyfriend. Thinking back over the last few years and knowing that it didn't matter if he was the real Kakyoin or not. He loved his boyfriend, real Kakyoin or not, it didn't matter to him. He just wanted his Nori back. It didn't matter if it was the original or a copy.

Jotaro loved him and needed him in his life. That's all that mattered now, getting Nori back.

Though, there was a small part in his mind that wondered what the real Kakyoin had felt for him all those years ago. Had he fallen for Jotaro too? Had he lived, would they be together now?

Jotaro stopped his restless movement and shook his head. None of that mattered now. The old Kakyoin was gone. He was with Noriaki now and that's who he should be thinking about. That was the man he loved now.

True, he'd fallen in love with the original, but it was this Noriaki that he loved now. He loved the way he smiled, laughed, his creativity, the light he brought to a room, the way he made him feel when they cuddled together on their couch. He loved falling asleep in his arms. He loved how he was the only person who could make Noriaki bashful and shy and that only Noriaki had the same power over him.

He loved this Noriaki. And while he was sad that the original had not survived, he couldn't see how he could risk loosing HIS Noriaki to bring back a man who had proudly and honorably given his last breath to save the world.

Was it fair to bring him back? Was it fair to either of them? Jotaro knew with everything in him that Kakyoin had died with the same pride and poise that he had lived. Noriaki, in turn, lived as his own person, making his own decisions and living his own unique life separate from his original self.

This wasn't one person. It was two completely different individuals. And each had a right to live or die as they saw fit.

Kakyoin had knowingly died to save his friends, including Jotaro.

Noriaki lived for much the same purpose.

With a deep sigh, Jotaro sat on the couch and raked his hands through his hair.

When it came down to it, the only person who had any right to make this decision was Noriaki.

Jotaro would argue against it, with everything in him, he would argue and even beg if it came down to it.

But in the end, Noriaki was the one who had to decide.

Fear gripped Jotaro's heart at the thought of Noriaki choosing to have the transfer.


For 4 days, Noriaki huddled in his hotel room, thinking over everything he had learned and all he knew from his short life. He cried when the day came for his and Jotaro's 2 year anniversary. He wanted nothing more than to be with his boyfriend but couldn't find it in him to face the man he loved.

How would Jotaro look at him now? Would he wish for the old Kakyoin back? Would he resent him for not being the original?

Noriaki was terrified of the possibility.

Joseph had said that the SPW could return his memories. Maybe that would make Jotaro happy? Is that what Jotaro dreamed about? A fully restored Kakyoin Noriaki?

But would it make him happy? Did he want to be the old Kakyoin? Would they be different people? Was Kakyoin as interested in art as he was? Did he enjoy painting or was he more of an academic? Maybe he would have preferred being a doctor or lawyer.

Noriaki couldn't imagine being in such restrictive lines of work.

Was he willing to risk what he'd built for himself to become another person for Jotaro?

Finally, on the 5th day, Noriaki decided it was time to face the reality of what was.

He was a clone.

Jotaro was his boyfriend.

He couldn't hide from it any longer. Either Jotaro would accept him or resent him. Either way, it was time to find out.

He just hoped Jotaro would be by his side once it was all said and done.

Noriaki took a deep breath and checked out of his hotel room, intent on continuing his life, one way or the other.


OMG! The last bit of this chapter nearly KILLED me! Thanks to my homies on Discord for helping me through my writers block!

Next chapter is the big confrontation! How do you think it will play out?

We only have a couple more chapters before the end. Tell me your predictions!

Hit me up on Instagram if you want! @_jaxous_

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