Chapter 3

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hello klainers! soooo it's been about a year and this story of klaine's relationship is really old now and I probably lost all of my readers..but i just found this story again and I saw all the nice comments you guys left and I decided I really wanted to add on again, so if you're still here, if you're reading this, please consider reading again because I'm gonna try to update more often!! thanks, love you all and hope you enjoy the story:)


I couldn't believe I was actually going to do this. 

But I had to. Right? Of course I did. If I didn't I would no-doubtetly melt into a huge puddle of guilt and despair. Kurt was the most important thing to me in the world and I had to be completely honest with him. I had to tell him I cheated on him. Ugh, my heart winced just at the thought of it.

My fingers were sweating and my hands were starting to shake around the huge bouquet of beautiful, red roses I had bought for Kurt. I was standing right outside the huge, wooden sliding door of Kurt and Rachel's apartment, trying to work up the nerve to knock on the door. I was so nervous-I swear my heart was beating 100,000 times a second and I could feel a sweat breaking out behind my neck. I had to calm down, or Kurt would be able to tell that something was wrong. 

Here goes nothing.

I took a deep breath, put a pleasant smile on my face and knocked three times on the door, each time getting a little louder.

I heard the faint sound of voices and then footsteps leading up to the door. As the door started to slide open, I thought about just running away and forgetting the whole thing. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't. It would break his sensitive little heart. 

I was about to give into my cowardness and bail, but then the door opened, and I saw his face. And in that moment, all my nerves went away because looking at his beautiful, crystal blue eyes light up, and his charming, handsome smile, it seemed like nothing could ever be wrong in the world, and I completely forgot about why I was even here.

"Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed, his eyes widening and a full-teeth smiling breaking out on his face.  He looked so cute when he was suprised.

"Wh-What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until Thanksgiving," he said while taking the flowers I held out for him and pulled me into a tight hug.

For a few moments, I couldn't even form a proper thought to say aloud. I was just so happy to be back in his arms- my mind was racing and my heart was beating faster than it ever had before. Being held by him was like I was floating in heaven. 

"Surpsie," I whispered in his ear while we were still embraced. "I know I was supposed to wait until Thanksgiving, but I just couldn't wait any longer." 

We pulled apart and looking into his gorgeous, blue eyes that made me weak in the kness, I added, "I had to see you."

He smiled the biggest, most precious smile at me and leaned in for a kiss.

His smile alone melted my heart, but when his lips touched mine, I felt like it was literally going to burst out of my chest. His lips were soft and smooth and felt so familiar against mine. My hands were wrapped around his waist, while his hands were resting gently on my shoulders. We moved in such a natural way together-as if we were never meant to be held by anyone else but eachother. I just wanted to freeze time and live in that moment with him forever and never let him go.

Eventually we parted, our lips still slightly resting on one another's while Kurt smiled and said softly, "I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too," I responded, then slightly pulled away so I could see his eyes. Then it hit me again why I was here and I could literally feel my heart sink into my stomach. I should just get it over with.

"Actually..I, well..," I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say.

"I came because-"

"Oh my god! Blaine, is that you?" I whipped my head around, relieved to find Rachel running towards me, allowing me a few more moments before having to tell Kurt.

"Rachel! Oh my god, hi! How are you?" I exclaimed, while going in for a hug.

Rachel Berry was a friend of mine and Kurts' from high school, and quite possibly the most talented person I have ever met. We were in glee club together for a couple years, but they were both a grade ahead of me, so they graduated last year and moved to New York to attened the prestigous, musical-theater-based college, NYADA and purse their dreams. Rachel and I actually had a thing a couple years back. Long story short, we were at a party in her basement, there was lots of alcohol, we were both wasted and kissed during a game of spin the bottle, and my intoxicated brain stupidly decided to think, 'Woah, maybe I am straight.' We even went on a couple dates, but then we kissed again, sober this time, and from that mooment on, I knew I was completely, definitely, and totally 100% gay.

"I'm absolutely wonderful," Rachel said now," New York and NYADA, it's just exactly where we need to be," she said smiling at Kurt.

Turning back to me, she added, "And of course, we can't wait for you to join us next year, Blaine. I think you'd love it here."

When Kurt left for New York earlier this fall, I promised I'd be joining him out there next year becasue I am extremely determined to get into NYADA, myself. It's the perfect place for me-the singing, the acting, the dancing,and  living in New York with Kurt- there's just no where else I'd ever wanna go.

"Yeah, actually Rachel and I were just talking about going to a karaoke bar for NYADA students tonight," Kurt said now. "You could come with us! You could meet some people from the school, check out the place, and maybe sing a song so everyone can see how talneted my boyfriend is," he said, nudging me in the arm and giving me playful smile.

I couldn't help but smile back as I said, "Yeah, that sounds great! I'd love to come."

"Yay!" Rachel exclaimed. "This is gonna be so fun-the three of us being together again. Just like the old times," she said while pulling Kurt and I into a group hug. I thought to myself as I remembered again why I came. I could only push it off for so long. I couldn't say anything now, though because they were both so happy to see me and excited to show me their karaoke bar- and this would totally ruin the mood. 

Rachel had gone into her room to change, and I was ripped away from my thoughts as Kurt grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and said, "I missed you so much. I'm so glad you decided to come-I wasn't sure how much longer I could wait to see you again."

I wrapped my hands around his waist and felt my heart wince a little bit at the amount of guilt I felt about lying to him.

"I missed you too," I said back. "There's no one else in the world I'd ever wanna be with. I love you, Kurt. So much.

I might've said too much because he had the slightest glimpse of confusion and worry in his eyes at my overly-passionate words as he responded, "I love you too, Blaine. Always,"

Always. I hope he remembered that later when I would have to basically break his heart to pieces by telling him why I really came here.

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