Chapter 4

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Rachel, Kurt and I had just sat down at Scandal's, the karaoke bar for NYADA students. The small club was packed with college kids, had sick, neon light's flashing around, and someone was belting out The Beatles' "Let It Be" on a killer stage with a beautiful grand piano sitting on it. It looked like a pretty sweet place to hang out...unless, of course, you're me and you're filled with guilt and anxiety over the fact that you cheated on your boyfriend and have to break the news to him before you physically and mentally explode from exhaustion of holding this dreadful secret inside of you.

But, hey, I should try to enjoy it while I'm here, right?

"So...," Rachel cooed, "Either of you planning on singing a song tonight?"

"Hey Blaine, maybe you should sing a song," Kurt chimed in, "It could get you noticed by everyone you'll be going to school with next year, and you can make a name for yourself here."

Singing a song was the last thing I wanted to do right now, but Kurt and Rachel were both looking at me expectantly with their eyebrows raised and their mouths curled up in excited little half-smiles.

"I...," I started, "Well, okay..I guess I could," I said, giving into them.

"Yay!" Kurt and Rachel cried together. "This is gonna be fantastic!" Rachel added enthusiastically.

"So," Kurt said, lightly tracing his fingers along the curves and creases of my hand that was resting on the table, "What song do you think you'll sing?"

I watched his beautiful face as he played with my hand, and I watched the way his eyes twinkled with fondness. It reminded me of the first time I met him.

Suddenly I knew exactly which song I was going to sing.

"I think I have an idea...," I said back to Kurt. I leaned in for a quick kiss before I made my way up to the stage.

I verified with the guy behind the karaoke desk that it was okay for me to take the stage. He said yes and I made my way up to the grand piano. I sat down on the leather bench and took a deep breath, stroking the familiar black and white keys with my fingers.

"Um..hey guys," I said into the microphone. I saw multiple heads turn in my direction, "So,uh, I'm Blaine..and tonight.. I'd like to dedicate this song to someone who means the world to me. Someone who I love more than I can describe in words and more than I can truly comprehend. He's always been there for me; I couldn't have asked God himself to create someone so wonderful and caring to spend these last two years of my life with, and I hope there is many more to come," I paused for a moment, and locked eyes with Kurt in the audience. He looked a bit blown back and the tiniest-bit worried by the intensity of my words. But, I wasn't going to dial it down. Kurt needed to know how much I loved and cared about him before I shattered his heart to pieces.

I took a deep breath and continued,"So, the song I'm going to perform for you all tonight is the same song I sang when I met the love of my life for the very first time. Kurt, this is for you."

And with that, I played the opening notes of Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream," the song that I sang with the Warbler's when Kurt first came to Dalton Academy to spy on us.

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