Chapter 5

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It's been a week since I got back from New York and honestly, it's all been a blur.

I've barely been to school, I never have an appetite anymore, I have  gotten little to no sleep.....I haven't even been using hair gel.

This break up with Kurt is tearing me a part. And the worst part is that it's all MY fault. 

I cheated. I broke his trust. I ruined the best relationship that I had ever had. And for what? Some stupid, horny boy on Facebook whose name I can't even remember now?

I threw one of my pillows against my wall in frustration. Then, I rolled over onto another one and started crying for like...the seven hundred and sixth time this week. 

I'd basically been living in my bed ever since it happened. I just feel no motivation to get out of it if Kurt wasn't there for me when I did.

I've tried calling him dozens of times too, but he never answers. I even tried sending flowers to his work place, but who knows if he actually got  them?

My mom has tried numerous times to get me up. She's tried offering to take me to my favorite musical, West Side Story, or offering to take us out to Breadstix because she knows that's my favorite restaurant. She has good intentions, and usually either one of those options would have sounded great. But I'm just not in the mood to do anything anymore besides laying in bed, feeling miserable and awful about what I did.

My mom doesn't know the whole story, she just knows that Kurt and I broke up and I'm having a hard time with it. I didn't want to tell her I cheated because ever since I admitted it to Kurt, I haven't been able to say it out loud again. 

Just as I was about to break into full on sobs again, there was a knock on my bedroom door. 

I managed to mumble a barely audible, "Come in..," and my mom appeared in the doorway.

"Blaine? Honey, there's someone here to see you," she said. For a split second, my heart jumped in my chest, thinking it might be Kurt. But then I realized there's no possible way it could be, and my heart fell again.

Who was here to see me? Ugh.. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone unless it was Kurt saying he forgave me and wanted me back.

"Mom..I'm not really in the mood. Can it wait?" I asked her.

She sighed, "Blaine, I'm gonna let her in. You haven't had much human contact in the last week. It could be for you."

She then disappeared and reappeared a few moments later in the doorway with Tina.

Tina Cohen-Chang was one of my good friends from the New Directions. We became really close this year when both of our boyfriends left to go to college. She knew what had happened-as did the rest of the glee club. Word travels very fast in that club.

"Hey Blaine," she said with a cheery smile. Oh, Tina. She was always such a ball of sunshine. I wish I could appreciate it more right now.

I mustered up the best smile I could and replied, "Hi Tina."

"Well, I'll let you two talk. If you need anything, I'll be downstairs," my mom said before leaving, shutting the door behind her.

Tina took off her coat, set down her purse, and came over to sit on the side of my bed, " are you?"

I let out a little humorless laugh and sat up, "Oh you know...I've been better."

"We all really miss you in glee club. You haven't been to school for so long, we were all getting worried about you. So I was sent to check in on you," she responded.

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