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"It's not okay, Jungwon! How could he do that to you?!"

Heeseung was angry after Jungwon told them what happened with Jay that night.

"It's whatever guys" Jungwon acted like it was nothing but his friends doesn't know how much he cried because of Jay for the past few days.

Jungwon may act strong and confident at school but as soon as he's away from everyone's eyes, he breaks down.

Jay was the first person Jungwon actually liked but turns out it was all a game to him.

What makes it worse is that Jungwon didn't see this coming. He felt so stupid for letting some playboy mess with him.

The one moment Jungwon drops his guard down, he ends up being toyed with.

"Jungwonie, it's okay. There's plenty of fish in the sea" Sunghoon said trying his best to comfort Jungwon.

"Oh c'mon no one's buying that, it's 2021 gramps" Sunoo rolled his eyes at Sunghoon's old cliche talk.

"Hey, I'm not an old man. Babe!" Sunghoon whined to his now boyfriend.

"He isn't wrong" Heeseung teased and Sunghoon pouted.

"Off topic guys. Jungwon is in a crisis" Sunoo emphasized to the couple.

"I'm not. I'm perfectly fine. If Jay thinks I was only a game to him then may be I w-was" Jungwon said stuttering at the last part.

He tried his best not to let a cry slip. His breathing increased, he clearly still haven't gotten over Jay.

"Hey, Jungwon we'll help you get over him. Trust me playboys like Jay never care for anyone" Heeseung said truthfully.

Hearing this Jungwon visibly frowned with tears pooling in his eyes.

"Oh my goodness would you shut up, look what you did!" Sunoo scolded his friend for worsening Jungwon's condition.

"I'm sorry, Jungwon" Heeseung apologized.

Just then two girls walked passed them whispering enough for the group to hear.

"Ugh I can't believe the school's president thought he had a chance with Jay. How pathetic" one girl scoffed giving Jungwon a nasty eye.

"Tell me about it" another girl joined "Luckily, Jay played him so good. I heard it wasn't even that hard to fool him" they both laughed.

Everyone one at the table overheard this part of the girls' conversation.

Let's just say none of them were happy. Sunoo being the sassy one, was about to confront the girls but was stopped when Jungwon slammed his hand on the table.

The girls' immediately looked at him as well as everyone else in the cafeteria did.

Jungwon marched over to the girls' with an unpleasant look on his face, one that no one has ever seen except for Jungwon's friends.

Jungwon cleared his throat and smirked looking at the two girls' who looked guilty as ever.

"I'm sorry girls, what did you say?" Jungwon asked enjoying how these girls' knew very well they would be in so much trouble for bullying.

"Us? We didn't say anything" one of the girl's nervously laughed.

"Oh come on, I've heard that excuse many times" Jungwon rolled his eyes.

Sunoo, Heeseung and Sunghoon were all shocked wondering if this was the sad Jungwon just a few minutes ago.

"Let me guess you guys were one of the playboy's toys too huh?" Jungwon said mocking the girls at their own words.

"And? What's it to you? He surely treated us better than you" one girl spoke looking Jungwon up and down.

"Oh he did? That's good to hear at least he didn't pity me as much as you guys" Jungwon sassed back.

"You little bi-"

"Mia?" Jay walked in on the argument that seem to have everyone's attention by now.

Jay and Jungwon shared a short eye contact.

The sight of Jay infuriating Jungwon. One look at Jay and all those memories came back.

"Oppa!" the girl squealed clinging onto Jay arms.

Jungwon rolled his eyes at the girl's obsessiveness.

"I hate to interrupt but Mia?" Jungwon asked clarifying the girl's name "Detention for you and your friend after school for verbally bullying to another student"

At their college no form of bullying is tolerated.

Jungwon walked closer to Jay his heart beating out of control but he was good at hiding his emotions.

"And Mr. Park, if I may suggest keep your nose out of other people's business" Jungwon whispered in his ear and walked away.

Jungwon hand was on his heart. The sound was booming in his ears. Jay makes him feel so giddy and light headed every damn time and Jungwon's not liking it.

At the cafeteria, Jay bit his lips after hearing Jungwon's voice. He suddenly felt nervous.

"Oppa, leave him be. The president thing has already gotten to him" Mia bad mouthed Jungwon.

Jay harshly removed her grip on his arm and went in the direction Jungwon left.

Sunoo stood up and approached the two girls.

"If I hear any of you bad mouth anyone in this school, this matter is going to the principal and I don't think you want a suspension, don't you?" Sunoo sassed slightly threatening the girls.

The two girls just huffed and left.

Sunoo looked at Ni-ki with an angry look and stormed off with him.

"Someone pray for Ni-ki to come back alive. I don't know what he did but when Sunoo is angry no one wants to see that" Sunghoon shivered remembering a time Sunoo was angry at them.

"You couples have so much drama" Jake sighed, reminding himself how good it feels to be single.


A/N: FINALLY UPDATED! I'm so sorry everyone for not updating in more than a week. I just haven't been my best lately but I'm back so no worries.

Hope you guy liked this chapter and I love you guys!

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