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"I really fucking hate yo stupid ass." I said to Janae. She had hit me in the head because I was moving my head too much.

I was replying to the hating ass bitches on Instagram. They kept tryna come for me calling me a clout chaser and shit. What ever the fuck that is.

I don't understand it because I really be keeping to myself and stay out the way. Just making money. I swiped up on my home screen to access my Twitter app.

"Minding my black owned business. If you new here I'm zora and you should shop with me @zorathebrand 😘"

With that being typed I tweeted it and locked my phone before I got a text message.

From Roman.

you still got to shoot with me next week. Roman.

"This nigga." I said out loud before typing vigorously on my phone making my nails hit the screen creating a click sound.

All I "gotta" do is stay black and die. Zora.

First of all yo ass is light skin. And two you my road dawg. We like one person. Roman.

"What the hell?" I looked up trying to figure out where this nigga came from.

Those two things don't even correlate Zora.

You took that the wrong way, but go off. Roman.

This nigga taking my lingo.

Whatever just send me the info. Zora.

I was gon do that. Roman.

So you just gon leave me on read like that. Roman.

I smiled at my phone because I could picture him saying that. People didn't see the funny side of him that I saw. He always had this hard demeanor up about him. He was always joking and stuff with me. I definitely made a good friend.

"You going to Li's today?" Janae me while she combed my curls after they had sit for a while. I was modeling some things for my website and for my store.

"Depends. I got a lot of orders and stuff to do." I  said putting my phone in my lap.

"If you would rather go see Roman then just say that." Janae said in a high pitched voice making me laugh.

"Ain't no body thinking bout him. I really am busy." I defended slightly scoffing because I could never have a male friend without people making it out to be more.

"Girl whatever." She responded.

After she finished my hair I went to wardrobe to get ready to take my pictures. The shoot went by slow considering I was alone and all. It had been a long time since I did a solo shoot, I had been doing them with Rome.

We was real life always together and it felt weird to not have him in my ear saying stupid shit like, "what if I just fall right here? You think they'll take my picture and put it in the shoot."

But I was still in my element. One thing I was really passionate about was my craft. People always tried to be mean and say shit like "what is she? An entrepreneur or a model?" Tryna say I need to pick a box, but I won't because I am th jack of all trades.

I can do anything and everything. Hell I'll probably start a cooking channel right now if I wanted to. Because I'm grown.


"Aint no way that food here that damn fast, I just placed the order." I  said to myself going to the door. Throwing on a cropped hoodie from the dryer because I  only had on a sports bra and I didn't want to be exposed to a complete stranger.

I opened the door with a smile that quickly turned into a frown when I saw who it was.

"What do you want Roman?" I asked folding her arms across her chest.
"Damn, I can't get a hey or nice to see you?" He scrunched his face up in a taunting manner making me roll her eyes before letting him in and closing and locking the door.

"I got on yo merch," he pinched the top of the black tee with the signature lime green font that spelled out @zorathebrand. "See twin." He smiled.

"Yes, rep yo set." I got excited making his face turn into a frown.

"Too much?" I laughed walking into the kitchen to fix me some juice.

"Too much." He agreed. I shot a bird at him. He sat at the bar across from me.

"Stop looking at my ass Roman." I said without even having to turn around I could feel his eyes. He didn't make me uncomfortable when he stared because that's all he did. He never made any moves or anything on me.

"Zora wasn't nobody even thinking bout you." He waved her off.

"You were." Zora sat the pitcher of kool aid on the counter before getting a plastic cup from under the counter.

"Not." He added. Zora shot the middle finger at him before getting some ice out of the refrigerator.

"What you did today?" Roman asked her after he put a jolly rancher in his mouth.

"Minded my business." She responded pouring the red koolaid in her cup and then taking a sip.

"Wassup with you though?" He asked shrugging his shoulders. He noticed her being distant ever since they last time she was at his house. She usually called him with a corny joke during the day but she hadn't in almost a week.

She didn't even respond to his comments on Instagram like she usually did. He was starting to think miss her presence and he didn't know why.

"What do you mean?" She asked him. In her mind she was just doing what he wanted her to do. She actually had been busy and didn't have time to cater to "friends."

"I feel like we ain't spoke in a minute. You usually would be hitting me up talking about random shit." He explained to her.

"I been busy," she responded thinking of something else that was believable to say to him.

"If you wanted to see me you could have called me, the phone work both ways nigga." She got s little louder, but only because she was getting a little excited. She wasn't yelling at him.

"You got a point." He smiled realizing he was also in the wrong.

"Yea, so what you been on?" She asked putting emphasis on "you."

"I went to Harlem for a couple days, to film this video. You ready for the shoot on Friday?" He asked after it crossed his mind.

"Yes, I stay ready." She told him.

"Why you didn't take me, I coulda been posted on the block with the boys?" She tried to make light of the situation. She didn't want him to think she was bothered even though she was.

"I don't even think you really know what that means." He chuckled before bringing both his lips into his mouth.

"How you figure that?" She asked a little offended because she did have an idea.

"Cause you all innocent like." He pointed to her.

"Girl, anyways. If that's what you think." She let the topic go.

Sorry if I've been gone, school really been kicking my ass. In the mean time you can check out my other books, I feel like they are good tooo.💕

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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