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"Okay so over here I want a shelf on the top and and bottom and racks in the middle." I told the interior designer.

"On both sides." I added.

"Okay, and also I was thinking we could have a table and racks in the front of the store displaying clothes on the racks and accessories on the table." She said with her hands helping us picture it. I nodded at her words agreeing with her concept.

"Thats a great idea!" I gave her a high five.

"Well, I think we pretty much covered everything, for today. I'll come back by to check on you all tomorrow." Zora closed her notebook and said goodbye to her interior designer and her crew.

Zora felt like a boss walking out of her boutique. Finally it felt like years in the making, she was finally a store owner. All those sleepless nights really paid off.

Her phone sat on the dashboard thanks to the gadget she ordered from amazon.

"What do you want?" He answered making Zora scrunch her face up.

"Umm, ima hang up and call again because you got me fucked up." Zora pressed the red button before waiting a few seconds so he could change his attitude, then she called him back. He was now at the refrigerator probably looking for something to eat.

"Wassup." He decided to just say something more nicer because he didn't feel like arguing with her this early in the morning because she definitely always had time for it.

"That's a lot better, good morning Roman!" She greeted him the way she always did. It really made him mad because he was chill and laid back and most of the time she was loud and extra during his quiet time. Zora found amusement in his distress.

"I said wassup." He repeated while he took a hot pocket out of the bottom drawer of the freezer.
"Did you just wake up?" Zora asked. She heard the extra rasp in his voice making her want to talk to him more just so she could hear it.

"This is your friend Zora" she thought to herself trying to remember that.

"Nah, I was at the studio til like three then I went to the gym with Jase this morning," He started while opening the pack and putting it into the microwave for the amount of time it said on the pack. "That nigga so weak." He commented making Zora laugh.

"That's yo friend." Zora played along. Jase was indeed different. In his own category let him tell it. But he was funny and a real one and that's why Roman kept him in his circle. They grew up together and struggled together. And he cheered for Roman when he was playing ball in college and people was depending on him to get them out of the hood, the same way when he was at rockbottom trying to figure out his next move.

Same as Zane, they had always been there for him and Roman will forever make sure they were straight no matter what life brings. And a lot of people couldn't say that.

"Unfortunately." He joked smirking.

"He probably say that about you." Zora responded.

"I'm the best thing that ever happened to that nigga." Roman said. Zora laughed because he sounded like a girl when he said that.

"I be saying that about you." Zora added taking off her regular  glasses and switching them to her sunglasses because the sun was very bright and stopping her from seeing clearly.

"What? That I'm the best thing that ever happened to you?" He asked lifting his eyebrows
"No- that I'm unfortunately friends with you." She corrected him.

"Look at my face." He squinted his eyes and pursed his lips to the side.

"Anyways chile." Zora responded. She had just turned into Nae's building.

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