Prologue: The Meeting

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I stood in my dingy apartment trying to get ready for work. I ran a brush through my dark hair rapidly while looking back at my reflection in the mirror. My blue eyes were dull and filled with exhaustion. I was working so many hours just to keep this crappy apartment and I hated everything about it. There wasn't one thing I liked about my apartment but I couldn't afford anything better.

My apartment was rundown with peeling paint. It was small and the sink leaked. The landlord refused to fix anything so unless I could afford to fix something it stayed broken. There were many days I dreamed of a different life and yet this was my life. Get up, go to work, come home. Over and over. Today, I was lucky because I didn't have to open at work today but unfortunately that meant I was closing up after my shift. I sighed turning around grabbing my black leather jacket off my mattress pulling it over my dark blue tank top.

I walked out of my apartment into the brisk spring air rushing the five blocks to the coffee shop I worked at. I entered the building plastering a fake smile on my face as I greeted my co-worker who, to be honest, I couldn't even remember her name. She was a temporary worker, a college student who would be gone by the end of the school year.

"Hi Riley," she smiled softly at me.

"Hey," I said grabbing my apron pulling it on. "Anything happen this morning?" I asked her to see how opening the shop went. I liked to check-in particularly when it was a person's first time opening by themselves.

"Nope, everything was normal," she said pushing her blonde hair from her face.

"Perfect," I said quickly making my way over to the coffee machine. It was understood that I'd make the coffee and she'd take the orders. It's how it's always been. I wasn't much for talking with customers but I was an excellent barista. I had to be seeing as I worked here since I was sixteen.

"One tall caramel macchiato," she told me. I grabbed the cup quickly mixing their drink. I drizzled the caramel on the top before I placed it on the counter. The rest of my afternoon passed similarly. Get an order and fill it. I hated when it got slow because all I could think about was the things I'd never get to do. I wanted to travel and see the world but that would never happen. My entire life it felt like something was missing but I never focused on it that much and instead made myself busy to avoid thoughts that would drown me if I let them.

Eventually, night rolled around and I was on my own to finish up the night. At midnight I closed up the shop locking the front door to start the clean up process. I wiped down the counter before tossing my apron behind the counter. I exited the shop making sure the door shut behind me. It was almost one in the morning when I had stepped outside. The cool night air brushed against my cheeks as I walked through the quiet streets. Everything was normal or so I thought until I felt something wrap around my arm sending a burst of pain through me. I cried out in pain before I slipped into unconsciousness.

When I woke up I looked around the room. My arm ached reminding me of the pain I felt on my walk home. My eyes adjusted to the light and I found I was strapped down to a metal table with some machine above me. There was a metal robot beside me. The longer I stared at the robot the more uneasy I felt.

"What the hell," I squeaked pulling against the metal straps. Panic filled me as I looked around the room frantically trying to find an escape when the straps didn't even wiggle slightly.

"You will be upgraded," the robot said as my eyes widened at the sight of the robot in motion. This couldn't be happening! Ignoring the fear I met the robot's gaze.

"Upgraded? I'm good thanks," I said sarcastically as I continued to pull against the metal. Sarcasm was my defense mechanism, it got me through a lot of crappy situations. I continued to yank at the metal despite the searing pain coming from my wrists as I tried desperately to get free. Tears were pooled in my eyes but didn't fall as I fought with my all to get free but knowing my efforts were useless and I was only injuring myself. I hated my life but at the end of the day I didn't want to die. I had barely done anything, my life couldn't end like this.

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