Ch. 9: Norway

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"Can we set a location but not a time?" I asked as she nodded. "Then let's see what time the Tardis chooses. Earth?" I suggested.

"Hold tight," the Doctor said before flipping the last lever. I grabbed the edge of the console steadying myself. When we landed the Doctor looked to see when and where we landed. "Looks like Norway 1893."

"Well let's go," I said excitedly as I rushed out of the Tardis before anyone had the chance to respond. I grinned as I looked around the town. The Doctor came to stand beside me as I took in the beauty that is Norway. The rest of the gang came over to stand by the Doctor.

"Where to Doc?" Graham asked as she shrugged.

"No clue, let's split up and explore. Meet up back at the Tardis in say two hours?" She asked as everyone nodded. "Stay together and no one goes off alone." She said firmly. Before I could say anything Ryan and Yaz took off with Graham not far behind them which meant I would be with the Doctor.

"Well looks like it's you and me Doc," I said as she smiled. We both didn't waste another second as we walked away from the Tardis. I frowned as my eyes found a creature that reminded me a lot of Slenderman. It was strange and the creature seemed to be staring at me. My heart raced as I continued to look at the creature. I turned towards the Doctor to tell her and everything faded. Why was my heart pounding? I decided to note the strange feeling but keep it to myself until I had something more concrete.

"Why is everything so calm?" The Doctor asked me in confusion. "There isn't anything remarkable happening."

"Not sure but I'm going to enjoy it," I declared brightly as we continued to stroll through the town. I smiled softly as people walked around us. I felt calm, calmer than I felt moments ago and so I embraced the feeling.

"It's not like it's a Sunday. I don't understand why nothing is happening," the Doctor muttered annoyed. I rolled my eyes at her but stuck close to her at least until I bumped into a man with dark hair and a mustache.

"Sorry," I said as he grabbed me to keep me from falling.

"It's alright Miss, I'm Edvard Munch," he said kissing the top of my hand.

"I'm Riley," I said politely as the Doctor stopped turning towards us. She was quick to come to my side as if she thought Edvard might hurt me.

"Hello Ma'am, Edvard Munch," the man said as he acknowledged the Doctor. Her eyes widened at the name in shock.

"Wow! I'm a big fan," she said with a huge smile. I nudged her in the side trying to get her to stop making comments on Edvard. I wasn't sure where in his life we were or if he was popular as an artist at this point in time. I wasn't much for art but I knew of Edvard Munch and his painting, The Scream. We saw a version of it on a school field trip once. I vaguely remember it.

"So what are you two ladies doing on this lovely day?" He asked us as I shrugged.

"Exploring we aren't from around here. What about yourself?" I asked him as he frowned slightly.

"Just finished a painting," he said but the tone of his voice caused unease to flow through me.

"May we see?" I asked instantly as the Doctor stayed quiet just observing us both.

"Sure," he said holding out the painting to me. My head throbbed as I looked at the familiar painting but I covered it up with a smile.

"It certainly is interesting," I told him firmly. "How did you come up with the idea?"

"I'm not sure. Don't tell anyone but I can't remember painting it," he said softly as the Doctor stiffened. She was on alert as was I.

"Where did you paint it?" She asked him and he smiled.

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