---The Kitchen is Where the Heart Is---

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"Honey, I'm home!" Alex cried as he swung open the door. He took off his shoes and dropped his bag as he made his way into the living room. He looked around quickly but saw no one.

"Henry? You are home, right?" He didn't recive a direct answer but he did jump as he heard a pan clang to the floor and a muffled 'shite'. Alex sighed as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hen-" Alex stopped and looked at his beautiful boyfriend.

Henry was wearing a black 'History, Huh?' apron Alex had made for Christmas. His blonde curls had flour bleaching them white and he had batter on his cheek. Alex had no luck in supressing his laughter.

"Henry, darling, what happened?"

"Well... um... I thought that you were working so hard and I wanted to bake a cake, so I...." Henry glanced around and waved to his mess, "..I tried." He offered.

Alex smiled sweetly at him. How did he get so lucky? Alex often had to wonder how all of this happened. It almost feels as if nothing happened before Henry. Alex wrapped his arms arouns his boyfriends neck and smiled at him.

"Thank you baby." Alex used his finger to swipe some of the batter off his boyfriends cheek and tasted it. "This is delicious! I love it." Henry laughed and shook his head.

"Only you, Alex." They both laughed at the mess and at eachother.

"How about I help you this time?" Alex asked and Henry's eyes lit up.

Alex pulled out some bowls and all of the ingredients. He set them neatly on the counter. He showed Henry what to do and watched him try to do what Alex showed.

They spent almost an hour making the batter and finaly put in it the oven. Alex grabbed a cloth and some soap and began wiping down the counters. Henry helped.

Thirty minutes later they calapsed on the couch together laughing.

"Finally done!" Alex cried leaning against his boyfriend.

Henry sighed and pushed Alex off of his lap and he went roling off the couch. He cried in fake agony and Henry laughed.

"You harm me!" Alex cried from the floor clutching his heart.
Henry smiled at Alex. God. Alex would never get over his boyfriends smile. It was perfect in every way. Alex stood up from the floor to kiss that smile.

"Alex, I have to shower." Henry protested. Alex straddled him on the couch.

"Want some company?" He asked kissing Henry passionatly.

"I am covered in cake batter." Henry whined. Alex just snickered.

"Even better." He grinned wickedly and leaned into kiss Henry.

His fingers tangled in his blonde curls and Henrys hands under his shirt and pressing against his bare back. Just when Henry seemed to be giving in to Alex's offer, the oven timer beeped. Henry jumped and Alex groaned.

"Stupid oven. Terrible timming." Alex murmmered against Henry's lips.

"Perfect timing." Henry whispered back, throwing Alex off of him. "Go take care of the cake, love." Henry called as he sauntered away.

Alex callapsed onto the couch. He finaly got up to get their little cake out of the oven. It smelled good. He got out some frosting from the fridge and coated the golden cake in it. He set it on the counter and began washing dishes.

"The cake looks lovely Alex." Herey said as he re-entered the kitchen. Alex turned to see Henry fresh from the shower. His curls were a little wet and he smelled good. Alex stared at his boyfriend before getting his best idea yet.

He ran over to the corner of the room and connected his phone to the little bluetooth speaker. He opened Spotify and began playing 'Your Song'. He grabed Henrys hand and pulled him to the middle of the room.

"Dance with me." Alex said and he wrapped his arms around Henry's neck. Henry's hands slipped around Alex's waist. They swayed together. Henry hummed along and Alex pressed his head to Henry's chest.

"Hey Hen?"

"Hmmm?" Henry breathed into Alex's cheek.

"I love you." He said. He could almost hear Henry smile as he pressed a kiss to Alex's head.

"And I, you."

Alex and Henry continued to dance even as the music stopped. Henry kept humming and Alex just smiled. How did he find himself dancing in the arms of the most beautiful boy in the world? He had no clue. Would he ever stop? Not if he could help it.

The cake was forgotten as the two stayed in their own little universe, under their own shining stars. They danced to no music exept for the constant beating of their own hearts in sync with each other. And that was enough.


Yayyyy!! My first ever chapter of fanfic! Thank you so much for even opening this, you are my litteral hero. I hoped you liked it. If you have any feedback, literaly any at all, let me know! Also let me know if you want anything specific, cause I would happily try to write something.

Welp! On to the next one....

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