----Don't Be A Baby Alex----

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I was sitting at the kitchen island with my tea and some paperwork. I was working on expanding the shelters to other parts of the country. I heard a cough from behind me and I turned to see a terrible looking Alex walking from our room.

"Alex, love, you don't look so good." I said, slowly aproaching him.

"Excuse you, I ALWAYS look great. But, I'm fine Henry. Go back to your work."

He huffed as he tried to push past me. I blocked him as I placed a gentle hand to his forehead.

"Alex, you're running a fever. Come over here and sit down baby." I said, tugging on his arm. He pulled from my grasp and tried to leave again.

"I am totaly fine. Plus I have class today." He said. I stepped in front of him and pushed him back.

"No you don't. You are staying with me today."

"But Henry!" he whined. "I have a test today. I can't miss it."

"And I can't have you ruining your health. Come on. Back to bed." I grabbed his hand and pulled him back into our room.

I say Alex on the bed and went to grab a cold cloth. Pressing the cold cloth to his forehead and telling him to hold it there, I went into the kitchen to put on some water for a cup of tea.

"Henryyyyy! Can I at least email my professor?"

"Yes,Yes but make it quick. I don't want you to get a headache on top of everything."

I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'headaches are a government scam' as I finished up pouring him a cup of tea. I brought it into the room to see Alex trying to climb out our apartment fire escape.

"Alex you idiot!" I yelled rushing over to him after setting the tea in his desk. "You are going to hurt yourself!"

"Let me go! I cant miss this test! I'm already failing this dumb class!"

"Well you certainly won't pass it, darling, if you are dead." I said in a flat voice. He looked over at me with tears in his eyes. He let me pull him back in.

"I don't want to die." He said in a small voice. Was he... crying?!?

"Alex, I didn't mean to make you cry my love."

"I'M SORRY! I'm just tired." He drooped his head and set his bag on the floor. He let me pull him back to bed and I pulled the covers over him.

"Will you read to me?" His voice was still small and defeated. I smiled softly and ran a cool cloth over his head.

"Of course my love."

I pulled the book we had started reading together last week and I wasn't more than 10 pages in before Alex was snoring softly next to me.

Quietly, I kissed his head, pulled back to blankets just slightly so he wouldn't overheat with the fever and left him to rest.

After a few hours of work and more than a few hours of searching for the perfect chicken noodle soup recipe, I was ready to call it a day. Walking back into the bedroom to change into my pajamas, I saw Alex sitting in bed with his glasses on, peering intensely at his computer.

"Alex! When did you wake up? And I thought we said today was a rest day!?"

"You said today was a rest day," he responded. "But I just had some work to do. I'm totally fine Henry." He followed this statement up with a brutal, hacking cough and a grimace as he tried to sip his water.

"You are most certainly not okay Alex. Why don't I get the cough medicine from the cabinet and then you should really get some more rest."

A panicked look crossed his face as I said cough medicine but I ignored it as a ran to grab it from our bathroom cabinet. As I walked back into the room, I found Alex pretending to sleep soundly.

"Sweetheart. I know you are not asleep. You snore far to much when you really sleep for it to be this quiet."

"I do NOT snore!" He rolled over to glare at me and I laughed softly. He started to laugh as well and then let out another awful cough.

"Okay, sit up and let's take this medicine."

"I'm good." Alex said holding his hand up.

"You need to take it Alex. It will help you."

"No really. I feel healed already."

"No you do not."

"Yes I do! I think it's your love that's curing my illness!" He said with his best puppy dog eyes as he leaned further and further away from the cup with the cherry red cough medicine.

"Alright enough." I said pinching his side. "Dont be a baby Alex and just drink the syrup."

"Do I have to?" He whined as I handed the plastic cup to him. I gave him a stern look and he downed the liquid with a sour look on his face.

"It's like tequila after a break up. Rough going down but probably helpful." He said as he laid back down to dater at the ceiling.

"That feels like a flawed analogy because, well, is tequila ever actually helpful?"

"Is cough medicine?" He asked with a yawn.

He rolled over on to his side and I pulled the covers up and tucked him in with a kiss on the cheek, the forehead, the nose, and finally the lips.

"Rest my love. I promise you'll feel better in the morning"

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