---Wild Side---

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Alex dragged Henry across the campus and to the front of a large brick building.

"Alex, we are not breaking into a Library in the middle of the night!" Henry protest. Alex turned to his pouting boyfriend.

"It will be fun."

"We will get caught."

Alex stops before denying it. He shakes his head and gives Henry a charming smile.

"It will be fun."

Henry lets out a bark of laughter and Alex shushes him while gigling himself. He liked seeing Henry so flustered and worryed. He kept trying to frown, but Henry just couldn't pull it off. Alex stuck a pin in the door lock.

"Jesus Alex! This is your plan? To shake around some pin in a lock?"

"Basically." Alex says, throwing a devilish smirk over his shoulder.

He turns back to the lock which pops open faster than he thought it would. He makes a big deal of pulling the lock off the door and swinging it open for Henry.

"Cocky basterd." Alex hears Henry mutter under his breath. Alex kisses Henry's cheek and smiles.

"You loooove me." He says taunting Henry. Henry only chuckles and shakes his head.

"That I do."

"Come on!" Alex whispered, grabbing a very nervous Henry's arm and dragging him past the library threshold. As soon as they were in, Alex went to work making it beautiful.

"I can't see anything Alex!" Henry laughed.

"Shut up and give me a minute!" Alex said as he set up flashlights and grabbed a book.

Alex clicked on the multiple flashlights creating a sort of spotlight for the pair. He stopped to admire his handy work. He was about to get Henry when he felt his arms wrap around Alex's waist.

"This is very nice. Can we stop breaking laws now, darling?"

"Nope!" Alex said smiling. He grabbed Henry's arm and pulled him to a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. "Read to me." Alex said, handing Henry a book.

"Read to you?"

"That's what I said."

"You are impossible." Henry said but still, he sat down and pulled Alex into his arms.

Alex handed Henry a book of poems and smiled. Henry grinned softly and kissed his forehead. He began to read in his soft voice that always soothed Alex. He relaxed in Henry's embrace and snuggled closer to his chest, causing Henry's heart rate to sky-rocket.

They stayed this way for a while longer. Henry reading any obscure poems that intrigued him from the book and Alex sighing contently and listening to Henry's heart beat. Alex couldn't think of any better way to spend his time. He loved this. He loved Henry. That was something that would never change.

Their comfort was interrupted by a banging on the door and a turning of locks. "Shit!" Alex said as he began to panic. Henry stopped reading to look at Alex.

"I was right. We are going to be in so much trouble Alex!" Henry didn't sound angry at this, just annoyed that their time was being intruded on.

"Is anyone in here?" A voice bellows from behind them. Henry jumped and chucked a book in the direction of the sound.  "OUCH!" Someone yelled and the boys shared a panicked look.

"Run!" Henry yelled as hauled Alex up and began sprinting. Alex couldn't help but to laugh at the whole situation. Tonight was turning out much better than expected. They ran together until they were clear of the huge library and the yelling of the security guard was non-existent. They collapsed, breathless in the grass as the sun began to rise. Alex turned to see Henry laughing hysterically. Clutching his stomach and rolling in laughter Henry turned to Alex.

"I threw a book at him!" He laughed. Alex couldn't help but join in on Henry's fit of giggles.

"So I guess that's a 'no' on sneaking into closed buildings in the middle of the night?" Alex said as soon as their laughter had dimmed. He turned to face Henry, propping himself up on his elbow.

"No. We should do that again some time. It was kind of fun." Henry said as he stared at the sky. Alex was baffled.

"Who knew..." Alex muttered quietly.


"His Royal Highness has a wild side." Alex said with a grin. He started laughing again and Henry slapped his arm playfully.

"Shut up and kiss me you bumbling idiot." He demanded.

"Anything for you." Alex whispered in amazement.

Alex wasn't sure he would ever understand anything. The only thing he knew for sure is that there was nothing without Henry. He made everything seem more amazing and colorful than it really was. There is no 'before Henry' and no 'after Henry'. Henry was his forever and his always. That was the only sure thing Alex knew.

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