----I love you more than sleep----

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I woke up early this morning. I had to go to the New York shelter today to take care of some finacial problem. I turned over carefully and studied the boy next to me. Alex.

Alex had the sun behind him as he snored blissfuly. His hair was spread out on the pillow and the was a little drool in the corner of his mouth. He was so beautiful. My favorite sight in the morning.

I kissed him gently on the forhead before slowly untangling myself from his arms.

"Mhmmm" Alex groans from behind me.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to wake you up."

I give him another kiss then try to slide out of bed. I feel his hands wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Come back to bed Henry." He called groggily from the covers.
"I'll get cold without you." He complained. I chuckled lightly as I escaped his grasp.

"Or you could get up."

"Or you could come back to sleep!" He fired back.

I sighed as he pressed light kisses to my jaw line and down my neck.

"Alex. We have work." I complained trying to muster the strength to pull away.

I would need some kind of godly power to get away now.

"But what if we didn't?" He said laying back down.

"It doesn't work that way love." I sighed.

Since he stopped kissing me, I was able to make my escape. I got up and pulled a suit from the closet.

"Henryyyyy" Alex protested from the edge of the bed.

He was now laying on his stomach with his feet kicked up behind him. He was looking up at me with little puppy-dog eyes and s small frown. I laughed as I gave him a chaste kiss on the forhead.

"Your cute when you beg." I said with a smile.

I turned back to the mirror and began tying my tie. He groaned from the bed and walked over to me. He spun me around so I was facing him.

"You never can seem to do this right." He said. He smiled at me as he knotted my tie.

Alex walked around so he he was behind me and we both looked in the mirror. Him in his boxers with an electric smile and me in a biusness suit with a pink tie.
(Alex's choice. He said I needed more "color"?)
His arms were wrapped around my neck and he rested his chin on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek before handing me my bag that was next to the bed.

"You are so lucky I love you more than sleep." He murmmered in my ear before pushing me out the door and getting ready for the day himself.

How did I get so lucky?

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