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I got tagged by DaughterOfMischeif

This is my first time getting tagged so here goes nothing

1. Crush?

I don't have one currently because well, duh. Quarantine. But I have had a few passing crushes. Two to be exact.

2. Middle Name?

I don't have a middle name. My parents didn't want to give me one because I have two last names. Honestly, I don't care.

3. Height?

Oh come on! That is unfair. I'm 5'0". Shorter than most of my younger cousins. :'(

4. Eye color?

Brown eyes. Basic.

5. Last time you cried?

Last night. I was watching a birdflash animatic of Satisfied from Hamilton.

6. Biggest fear?

Between snakes and spiders but I encounter spiders more often. So spiders.
7. Last song you listened to?

Sober Up by AJR feat. Rivers Cuomo. It's a really good song. Definitely recommend it.

8. Last person you texted?

A group chat with my two cousins. They're crazier than I am.

9. Favorite app?

Probably Wattpad.

Tag 20 people:

(I don't really know anyone on here so I'm just gonna tag people who have commented, voted, or authors I've read. Here goes.)

1. MusicLoverO6

2. ElizaJackson1234

3. Pjo4life010206


5. theconstantineking

6. EmdaughterofDemeter

7. ennysmiraculous

8. ali_cinnamon

9. night_fallz

10. deites

11. parsapj

12. amtgurly

13. oddball_writter

14. erbuie2021

15. Disco_Wing

16. Victoria101601

17. winchesteratheart

18. Morally_Gray

19. hppjmxrgosg

20. eveaning_stars

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