Chapter 7: I Only Thought You Were Dead

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Young Justice. The Three Musketeers was written by Alexandre Dumas and I do not in any way, shape, or form take credit for it.


Percy still stood awkwardly among the heroes, her hands still in cuffs. She hadn't even been offered a chair, sheesh! At the moment they were all standing in front of the zeta tubes, waiting for Batman and Robin. And of course, Kid Flash.

Soon enough, they heard the robotic voice announce an arrival.

Kid Flash, B03

Percy paled. She had been expecting Bruce and Dick to arrive before him.

As if responding to her thoughts, the robotic voice announced two arrivals immediately after Kid Flash's.

Batman, 02
Robin, B01

She let out a breath of relief as all three males stepped out of the zeta beams in costume.

As they caught sight of the team and the extra member in handcuffs, their expressions and reactions varied.

Kid Flash had a confused look plastered on his face, apparently not recognizing her for some reason. It might have been the glasses but that was unlikely, seeing as Dick and her had hung out with Wally various times, most of those while wearing glasses. Percy decided it was just Wally being oblivious like always.

Besides him stood her brother figure, a shit eating grin on his face. She knew that grin would soon be wiped off his face once Batman grounded Robin from patrol. That would be after the lecture he gave them.

Meanwhile, the only Justice League member in the room looked exasperated. Though that was only to Dick and herself. To everyone else he seemed as indifferent as always.

That is, until he pinched the bridge of his nose over his cowl and spoke. "What is going on here?"

His words were mostly directed at Percy and Dick, both of them stayed quiet. Kaldur was the one to respond. "While we were resting in the living room we heard the zeta tube announce an authorized guest. No name. This unidentified individual appeared." At this he gestured to Percy.

"She resisted apprehension at first, dodging our attacks. She gave herself over and claimed to be or new teammate. She refuses to give us a name."

As Kaldur finished, Batman turned to glare at Percy. She just looked up at him with a smile that looked too innocent to actually be innocent.

Before he could speak, Robin had turned to Kid Flash and whispered something in his ear. At this Kid Flash rolled his eyes and walked towards her.

Once he was standing in front of her, he put a flirtatious smile on his face and spoke. "So babe, you have a name?"

Batman growled. "Kid Flash-"

He was interrupted by Percy responding to Kid Flash in the same tone. It being the first time she spoke in since the three arrived, everyone listened. "I don't know, you tell me, Porthos." She sid the last word with amusement in her voice, causing Robin to smile. The little jerk had led Wally into a trap, which Percy was forever grateful for.

Wally's eyes narrowed at the use of the nickname. "How do you know tht name?" He practically growled, eyes quickly glancing t Robin before they settled back on her, waiting for a response.

Percy just smirked and nodded slightly at Robin who spoke. "Come on Wally." The use of the civilian name caused the rest of the team's eyes to widen. "Don't tell me you don't recognize our very own Athos."

Wally's eyes widened in shock. He turned to look at her and spoke, hope in his voice. "Ti...?"

She smirked and bowed dramatically using her hands, which she had taken out of the cuffs long ago. "The one and only."

In a blur, Wally had his arms wrapped around her in a hug. This just confused Conner, M'gann, Artemis, and Kaldur even more.

"Imissedyouandwhatthehellwereyouthink-" He rambled, obviously excited as he was speed talking.

She rolled her eyes behind the shades, and pushed Wally away slightly. "Wally! Stop freaking out! We can't understand you."

"Well excuse me for freaking out. You know, I just thought you were dead." He responded, arms now moving around dramatically.

"Ok, what's going on?" Conner asked, his voice mixture of confused and impatient.

Batman sighed. "Team, this is your new member, Tidal Wing. She is my second protégé, she trained along with Robin. You weren't supposed to meet her until tomorrow." He sent a glare at Percy, it had no effect on her.

"I didn't know you had another protégé." Artemis said.

Batman responded without missing a beat. "She went on an undercover mission almost two years ago. Contact was lost and we assumed her to be dead." Man, had he just made it up on the spot? Or had he prepared an excuse? Probably the latter considering it was Bruce.

He looked at Percy and Dick. They could tell that they weren't going to be in much trouble. He was probably just going to bench them from patrol for a week. This didn't bother either of them, seeing as this meant they got to spend more free time together. "I expect you both back at the Batcave in three hours."

The two just nodded as Batman stepped through the zeta beams. Percy turned around to face the team. She smiled at them, slightly nervous.

No one spoke, which just made thw whole situation more awkward. Finally, Robin broke the silence. "Ti, I think you and Wally have a lot to talk about. How about you guys go do that and you meet the team later?"

She just nodded and looked towards Wally. He held his arm out to her, causing her to roll her eyes. She just walked past him to the zeta beams.

As she stepped out of the old telephone booth, she took in her surroundings. Central City park.

Wally stepped out behind her a few seconds later, no longer in his costume. He smiled at her as she began to walk off.

They walked through the park until they found an empty bench. Once they were seated Wally spoke, dead serious. "Explain."

Yay, I finally posted the next chapter. Sorry if it's a bit weird and choppy. You know when your thoughts are faster than your hands? Yeah that happened to me.

Anyways, thank you all so much for the reads, votes, and comments!

Also, the names are references to the three musketeers. Percy, Dick, and Wally each have one that belongs to them. Keep in mind that I assigned them the musketeer that I thought best fit them. I also have never read the story so...

Percy: Athos- The leader of the trio. He is intelligent and courageous, very precise with his sword fighting.

Dick: Aramis - Romantic and handsome, but very hot tempered. His sword fighting is the most melodramatic.

Wally: Porthos- Humorous and vain. A true slave to fashion but also goodhearted. His sword fighting is more comical and jaunty than the others.

Stay whelmed cupcakes -j.d

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