Chp:9 Gifts!!

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Anirudh's pov.
I came back home and saw that the house was silent. I thought Everyone was out maybe. I went to the study. Bondita keeps the study clean, like she does dusting in every a week past by. I remember that day when I thought that I was in love with Manorama, like yes she was a person on who anyone would fall off. But I was attracted towards her. I laugh at my stupidity and I remember during that time, Bondita was doing some stuffs to bring us closer. I was so tensed about that thing. But I thank God that she came back to my studious Bondita then that Lover Bondita. 11years is not a teenage and I don't know how come she had a crush on me , maybe she was attracted and the wrong influence of our neighbours effected her. I remember when I was to attracted towards Saudamini and I think she loved me, yes she was right in her place. Like anyone would hate a person who took ur place. But things she did was wrong and I haven't forgotten her deeds . She killed my Best friend. And yes Sampoorna ma, Sampoorna. Even Sampoorna was right in her place, her husband died because of me and Bondita and anyone would take revenge because she suffered something which she never deserved. Now as she has being good enough,she left for Darjeeling and having a life alone with her Memories with Saurabh. Sometimes I feel like crying because Sampoorna is alone because of me. I think she adopted some Kids from the orphanage and she must be happy with them. Mama and mami are living their lives alone in the village and are better than before, they were guilty as Sumati maa died because of them. That day when me and Bondita left the rc's for a month, maa gave her life as she didn't had any shelter or she never wanted to become a burden on anyone. I cry because I couldn't help my Mother figure to come out of this thoughts.

Bondita's pov.

I came back home and went towards study as I thought he must be back home. As I entered, I saw pati babu moist and ran towards him and kneeled down near his legs and I was moist to. I thought he was crying because of me.

Anirudh's pov.
I saw Bondita moist near my legs, I didn't noticed she came back as I was thinking. I think she was moist because of me, I became more moist and held her hands.

Authors pov.
They were crying seeing each other moist.

"I am sorry pati babu, I was much more than I should be, I am sorry. Please don't cry because of me. "Said Bondita chocking.

" No, I am sorry. I said sort of things which I shouldn't have told you. My all the time is for u, Bondita. How can I even think about that. Pls forgive me"said Anirudh crying and chocking.

"I am sorry pati babu, I won't do anything that can make you cry" said Bondita.
Anirudh hugged her and the were crying and lost in the embrace for a long time. Theh were parted and had a small smile on their faces.

"Pati Babu, I bought u a watch and a handkerchief." Said Bondita happily.

"ohh really!! Even I bought u a saree and an Anklet. " Said Anirudh

They exchanged their gifts and had a chat with each other.

Som and Batuk with kaka saw this and prayed god for Andita's happiness. Days went by and it was during the period of Bondita's final exam.


Hello!! Back with a new chapter and I am surprised to see myself writing three parts in two days. I have a zimmedari towards you all and u all have a zimmedari to comment. Pls do that. I love to read ur comments, that motivates me alot and I had promised one of the reader that I will post another part today itself and here it is. How was the part,pls let me know.

Love 💓

Precap: Topper Bondita.

"A Night that Changed My Life"-AnditaWhere stories live. Discover now