Chapter 3 - Um..Pardon?!

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"Huh?! What am I supposed to do?! So I need the key?" I say fiddling with the necklace frantically, trying to pull it out from under my collar. "Yes." Taeyoon spoke, keeping his eyes on the monster. "Uh okay... Jesus...uh Key that hides its crystal form, as your master I command you; Release!" The necklace glows a shattered then glittered blue and it quickly forms the crystal staff. I opened my eyes and gripped the staff, only to be grabbed before the ground beneath me collapses. "Holy shit!" I yell. I looked up to see the saviour was indeed Taeyoon. "We will have to work on your reflexes." He spoke, spacing out with a stoic face. " well it's not like I can leap 2 metres in the air to avoid that like every anime ever!" I said annoyed. "What is an an-i-mey?" He spoke. "THAT IS NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW- OH MY GOD!" I yell, half scared to death as a see-through screen popped up in front of me, out of my ring. "uh, what's this?" I say. "It's a screen you can access data on the shards you possess also used for communication with both the cards and guardians such as myself." He spoke. "Guardians? There are more of you?" He looks at me and speaks "well yes, although there are only one of you." I gave him the side-eye and looked over where the monster was and saw her frozen. "Uh... why is she frozen?" I ask Taeyoon. "I summoned an ice spirit. It's your first time so I thought I would help." He said. "Um..oh. Well thanks? Is it good to capture?" I ask. He nods and picks me up to bring me back lower where the shard spirit was standing. I raised my staff in front of her and spoke "Return to the form you were meant to be, crystal spirit!" A gust of blue and white streaks covered the spirit only for it to burst and shatter before the prices pulled back together to form the crystal card. "Water.." odd I remember that card being difficult to catch. Is Taeyoon that powerful? A single spell? Scary...

I snap out of my thoughts to a voice coming out from the card. "I'm sorry for attacking you my mind wasn't in the right place.." I smiled at the card, slightly taken aback. "That's all right, you have complete control now so don't worry." Water smiles and I put the card away. "Let's go." Taeyoon lifts me with ease and flies off without letting me protest. "Ever heard of walking?!" He shrugs. "This way is faster." After a couple of minutes, we get back home to my apartment. "What happened with the roof that collapsed?" I say unlocking the door and moving inside. "I fixed it." Of course he did. Dumb question Lily. I sigh and flop on the couch, pulling up the data screen. "Does it have stuff on you?" I ask as Taeyoon comes to sit. "No. We guardians can't just have our information anywhere, besides there are a lot of things that wouldn't be mentioned there so what's the point?" I hum "good point." I scrolled down on the screen. "So I only get information popping up on here for the cards I have captured?" Taeyoon nods and lays back, crossing his legs. "Yep." I yawned and layer my head back, looking at the roof. "Also another thing, the card said she wasn't in her right mind. What's that about?" He unfolds his legs and stretches them out. "The situation is that the cards are being controlled by an individual who is corrupting them into violence against the innocent. The three that weren't infected and who I said won't do violence against innocent people, weighed out the hate with their hope and protection. So in a way, they won the fight." I look at him. "Wow, but if they could do it why not others?" He sighs. " the others are seen as more powerful. They are above protectors and are seen as nobles or knights of which their power overweighs their hope and will." I shift to face him. "Damn.. how many spirits are there?" I curiously spoke. "About..75." I gape my mouth. "Right sure that's fantastic, uh anyway I need to do a couple of things. Be right back." I say as I book it toward my bedroom to chuck myself out the window.

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