{Chapter 34}

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"Rosa, truth or dare?"

"Dare?", I hesitated.

"Give an insult to three people in this room.", He smirked wickedly.

"Oh come on Minho, you know I can't do that!" I whined desperately, trying to change his mind.

"You chose dare, there's no turning back now.", he mocked and gestured me to go on.

Knowing that he was right and I was not getting of the hook any time soon, I sighed deeply, closing my eyes and trying to think of something insulting for each member but not something very bad. Just a little teasing wouldn't hurt right?

"Fine, I'll start with you then.", I snickered.
"Minho, ... I-, actually I don't need to insult you...Your face is one all by itself."

Okay that might have been more harsh than I intented it to be...
Nonetheless, the boys and I cracked up into loud laughter as we watched Minho's reaction.
He looked so, how do I say it? Taken aback? Speechless?
He didn't think I would go this hard on him, huh?

"OH MY GOD, ROSA YOU ARE A QUEEN. I STAN.", Chan said in between his loud laughing.

We were all wheezing so hard and soon enough Minho gave us a small laugh as well.

"To be honest, I didn't take you to be good at this and that's why I told you to do this, but seems that I was wrong. I'll give you that.", He admitted with raised hands.

"Oh why thank you so much, kind sir. But just a friendly reminder, all the insults I'm going to give you guys are just a joke ok? Don't take them seriously.", I warned.

"Sure thing.", They agreed.

With their cue, I carefully scanned around the boys to find my next prey. When my eyes landed on Jisung, I instanlty knew that he was next.

With a wide smirk on my face I continued my dare, "Jisung,", I addressed.

"Oh no...", He exclaimed.

"If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up your ego and jump to your IQ.", I tried to hide a wicked giggle.

As expected, the boys started laughing hard all over again. Changbin fell of his chair because of that and Felix was slapping Seungmin, who was sitting beside him, because he couldn't take it. To my surprise though, the louder of us was Jisung. He was currently rolling all over the ground like a worm, laughing non-stop.

Wow, he is laughing with his own insult?

"I- CAN'T-BREATHE.", Hyunjin managed to say between his laugh while clenching his stomach because of the pain.

After a good five-minute laugh, we all calmed down slowly but surely. At this point I was sure that we have woken up the whole village because of how loud we were.

Meh, who cares?

"So, shall I continue?"

"Oh please do. I haven't laughed this much for a while.", Changbin said while wipping of his tears.

"You won't be laughing if she chooses you.", Seungmin warned him but Changbin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Guys, I feel so bad though! I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself after this.", I confessed.

Seriously though, I love these boys so much, I can't just insult them like this. It doesn't feel right to me. It's not easy for me to do. Even though... My isnults are lit.
bUt sTiLl.

"Don't worry honey bun. We don't judge.", Hyunjin chuckled.


Hyunjin...mmh I have a good one for you right now.

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