i'm soaaaaaring

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At three-thirty, Harry, Ron, Cress and the rest of the Gryffindor first-years hurried down into the ground for their flying. The broomsticks and Slytherins were there waiting for them, and Harry thought about what Fred and George had said about the school brooms being dodgy. He really hoped that he didn't get one that decided to throw him off as soon as he got on. Malfoy would just love that. 

Their teacher, Madam Hooch, ordered them all to stand beside a broom and call it up, and to Harry's delight, his jumped straight into his had, whilst almost everybody around him achieved nothing. Ron managed to get himself whacked in the face, to which Harry and Cress burst into laughter. Hooch then showed them how to mount and grip a broom, and, to their satisfaction, told Malfoy he'd been doing it wrong for years.

She then explained how to take off and told them all to do so, but before she'd blown her whistle, Neville began flying into the air. At first, Madam Hooch yelled for him to come back down, but it was soon extremely clear that he had no control over the broom. This was confirmed when he fell off and landed with a nasty crack. A very white-looking Madam Hooch took him to the hospital wing after warning them all not to leave the ground, and as soon as she was out of earshot Malfoy burst into laughter.

"Did you see his face, the great lump?" All of the Slytherins, and even some Gryffindors, joined in the laughter. Harry was about to respond when Malfoy saw something on the floor and his eyes lit up.

"Look! It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him! Maybe if he gave it a shake he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse!"

"Give it here, Malfoy." Harry said quietly. Everybody turned to watch, and Malfoy smiled nastily.

"I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to collect - how about - up a tree?" Malfoy leapt onto his broom and took off. Despite himself, Harry couldn't help feeling admiration. His mount was very cool, and it was clear that Malfoy wasn't lying when he said he could fly well, "What's the matter Potter? Bit out of your reach?"

Harry, eyes flashing furiously, grabbed his broom. Hermione Granger immediately appeared in front of him and put a hand out to stop him.

"NO!" She shouted, "Didn't you hear Madam Hooch? You'll get us all into trouble! Besides, you don't even know how to fly!"

Harry blanked her. Blood was rushing in his ears, and he could hear his father's voice inside his head. 'Don't let anyone push you around, otherwise they'll never let up. If you stand up to them right from the start, they can't control you.' He took off.

"What. An. Idiot." Said Hermione Granger.

Despite her warnings, Harry felt amazing. He was flying! Air rushed through his hair and his robes whipped out behind him, and he realised that for the first time in his life he could do something, and he could do it well, without being taught. He climbed higher and higher until he was face to face with Malfoy, and was met with screams, cheers and gasps from below. Malfoy, to his pleasure, looked stunned.

"Give it here." Harry called, "Or I'll knock you off your broom!"

Malfoy tried to sneer at him, but he looked worried. Harry leant forwards and shot towards him, narrowly missing Malfoy as he shot out of the way.

"No Crabbe and Goyle up here, ferret boy." Harry smirked. Malfoy seemed to have had the same thought, but before he could react, Harry shot towards him again. He fully expected Malfoy to dart out of the way again and just wanted to shock him, but Malfoy was preoccupied throwing the glass ball high into the air, so they collided and Malfoy fell. Harry heard screams from below, and, realising what he'd done, dove down towards Malfoy. He managed to grab the back of his robes with one hand, then shot forwards and took his other hand off of the handle to grab the Remembrall, before toppling gently off the side with Malfoy on top of him. Slightly disgusted, he pushed the boy (who was shaking and whimpering) off of him and held up the Remembrall in celebration, grinning as his classmates cheered.


All of his happiness immediately disappeared as he saw Professor McGonagall running towards him. Malfoy quickly got up and smoothed down his robes before practically running back over to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Never - in all my time at Hogwarts - " Her glasses were flashing furiously and she seemed to be almost speechless, " - how dare you - might have broken both of your necks - assault -"

His friends leapt to his defence, trying to tell her what Malfoy had done, but she didn't want to hear it. Harry followed her miserably, trying not to look at Malfoy's triumphant expression (although he didn't seem to have noticed the fact that Minnie hadn't even bothered asking if he was okay). He wanted to try and defend himself, but he couldn't speak. He'd only been here for a couple of days, and he was already about to start packing his bags again. 

At least he didn't have to go back to the Dursleys. Unless - maybe his parents and Sirius would be so upset with him that they wouldn't want him back? He'd nearly killed somebody and got himself expelled from their favourite place in the world after mere days. They'd be furious, surely!

Professor McGonagall stopped outside a classroom and stuck her head inside.

"Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, could I borrow Wood for a moment?"

Harry was bewildered. Nobody had mentioned physical punishments! Was she going to cane him?

His worries were put to rest when a burly fifth-year boy came out, looking confused. Unless he was going to be the one doing the caning? He looked like he had more muscles than Minnie, it would probably hurt mroe.

"Follow me, you two." She said, guiding them into an empty classroom as Wood stared curiously at Harry. Peeves was inside writing on the blackboard, but she sent him away and slammed the door shut.

"Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood - I've sound you a Seeker!"

The boy's face changed from puzzlement to delight, "Are you serious, Professor?"

"Absolutely." She said crisply, "He's a natural, I've never seen anything like it. Was that your first time on a broomstick, Potter?"

Harry nodded, worried that if he opened his mouth he might throw up. Maybe he wasn't going to be expelled?

"He caught that thing in his hand after a fifty-foot dive, along with a boy that he assaulted, but that's irrelevant. Didn't even scratch himself. Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it."

Wood looked as though all his dreams were coming true, and him and McGonagall began to ramble on about Quidditch and broomsticks and Slytherin and Snape. She then dismissed Wood, and turned sternly to look at Harry.

"However, Potter." Uh oh, thought Harry. Here we go. "Even if I don't want to expel you, you must face consequences for what you did. Flying when you shouldn't have, and nearly killing Mr Malfoy! For that, you can join Miss Lupin in detention this evening, and I shall be writing to your parents." Harry nodded anxiously, then her face softened slightly. 

"Your father will be proud. He was an excellent Quidditch player himself."

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