Nimbus 2000

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I can't be bothered to write about the duel, the troll etc because it will basically be the same as in the books. If you can't remember, Malfoy doesn't show up, they end up accompanied by Hermione and Neville, and they accidentally come across the three headed dog standing on a trapdoor (now I'm going to bed before either of you comes up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled.). Then, on Halloween, Quirrell tells them there's a troll in the dungeon, Hermione is crying in the toilets because Ron is mean, the troll corners her, they take out the troll, they think Snape tried to get past the three headed dog.

These events in my storyline are the same except with Cress tagging along too and Harry's a bit sassier than in the actual books, and I don't really see the point in writing it all out because that's boring. So now we skip to November and the first Quidditch match :)

Before Harry knew it, the Quidditch season had begun. His first match was on Saturday against Slytherin, and he was growing increasingly anxious. He'd been training hard and Wood clearly had faith in him, but Harry still didn't have his own broomstick, and the school brooms wouldn't be able to compete. What exactly was he supposed to do?

McGonagall had got permission from Dumbledore for Harry to have his own broom, but after the Malfoy incident, his mother had adamantly refused to buy him one, so now he was pretty much stuck. He had tried to write a secret letter to his dad asking him to send one, but Lily had somehow intercepted it, and Harry found himself on the receiving end of a very angry letter.

So, he was stuck. And it didn't exactly help when random people in the corridors told him that they'd be running around holding a mattress underneath him. The one lucky thing in his life right now was Hermione Granger. Now that they were friends, she was helping him to get through all of his homework alongside Wood's intensive training program, and she'd also lent him Quidditch through the Ages, which in the end he actually loved.

None of this helped to prepare him for the match and his lack of broomstick, but his prayers were soon answered. During break on Friday, he was sat outside with the others, along with a small bright blue fire that Hermione had conjured. Snape had appeared, limping, and confiscated Harry's book (along with five points from Gryffindor), but just after the end of his long cape had disappeared, Harry's parents arrived. James' eyes were sparkling and he was holding a long package, but Lily looked murderous. Seeing this, the others hastily murmured excuses and disappeared, leaving Harry alone and shivering.

James rushed forward and enveloped him in a massive hug, "My boy, the youngest in a century! I'm so proud of you son, you're going to do amazing, and that's why I bought you this!"

Harry, face buried in James' chest, was suddenly overcome with emotion and didn't want to pull away. He hadn't even realised how much he'd missed his parents, and having somebody tell him that they were proud of him was the most beautiful feeling ever.

Lily, however, wasn't going to leave it at that. Before Harry had even emerged from James' arms, she started to yell, causing both father and son to flinch away.

"...AND YOU BETTER NOT MISBEHAVE ANYMORE!" She finally came to an end, hands on her hips and anger across her face. Harry nodded silently, trembling a little bit, and James looked just as ashamed. However, a warm smile then crossed her face and she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.

"But I missed you so much Harry, it was almost unbearable! And despite the...poor circumstances...I'm ever so proud of you! That's why I finally relented and allowed your dad to buy you..." She trailed off and pulled away from Harry, allowing James to drop the package into Harry's arms. He immediately tore off the paper, revealing a Nimbus 2000.

"NO WAY!" He gasped, hands shaking with excitement. He looked up in disbelief. James looked as excited as he felt, whereas Lily looked slightly exasperated but still happy.

"You really think I was gonna let my son embarrass himself on a school broomstick?"

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