Lily and Beau<3

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Imagine this...

I stared at her big blue eyes. I leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. 

"Night baby." I whispered and pulled the fluffy pink blanket over her small body. I watched as she closed her eyes then I turned the light off and turned the night light on. I barely closed the door incase she cried. 

Baby? You're thinking. Yeah. Im literally stuck with the 4 month old, my mother passed away shortly after giving birth to her. Mum died in a car crash with my step dad. So now my brother and I have to take care of her.  Not that I have a problem taking care of her though, she looks exactly like my mum when she was a baby.

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Slipped on my boots and went into the kitchen and placed the baby monitor near my brother, Chris. 

"I have to go." I said going to walk out, he nodded and moved the monitor closer to where he was cooking. 

I walked out the door and started walking to school. It's the first time back at school for me ever since my parents passed away. Walking through the gates, all eyes were on me. I bit my lip and walked towards my locker. I opened it and grabbed all my books, putting it in my bag. Looking around, I sighed as people continued to stare and whisper rumours about my family and I.Now don't get me wrong, im used to people doing this but nothing about my mother! I slammed my locker shut which then caused everyone to look away. Smiling to myself, I fixed my backpack then continued to skip to my first class this morning. Good thing its my last year, I thought to myself as I took a seat in the back of the classroom. I placed the bag on the floor after taking out my folder and placing it on the desk top. I reached it and took out the missing work I had to do while I was gone. I stood up and walked to the front desk. "Uh hi..." I mumbled to the teacher that sat in front of me, concentrating on marking homework. "Hi sweetie, how are you?" Mrs. Lantin asked sweetly. I smiled because Mrs.Lantin was my favourite teacher, she understood me. "Good, just a lot of work." I said and giggled a bit. She smiled even more and nodded her head as I spoke." So hows the baby?" She questioned me. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Jazmin. "Jazmin's alright, a bit of a hand full but shes amazing!" I grinned thinking about what she would be doing now. "Jazmin is a cute name!" Mrs. La tin stood up and walked towards the whiteboard, starting to clear things but turned her head indicating that she was still talking to me. " You'll have to show me a picture!" She suggested." I'll bring one tomorrow!" I said and turned my head towards the door as more kids started to pile in. O e by one stared at me as if I was a stranger. I rolled my eyes as I took my backpack out and notebook out of my bag then threw my bag onto the ground. As I threw it someones foot got stuck on one of the straps. "Sorry." I whispered helping himself up as I moved my bag. " Its alright." He said, his eyes widened as he realised who I was. He shook his head and quickly moved onto his desk. I rolled my eyes once again, paying more attention to Mrs.Lantin who was writing things onto the board. I sat up on my desk and tried to see over the heads in front of me. "BEAU!" I heard Mrs.Lantin yell at Beau who left me when my mother passed away saying that he didn't want to be with me because im taking care of a baby and people might get the wrong idea and because he said I was too depressed over my mother for histaste.He quickly turned around and smiled sweetly." Is there a problem Beau?" She asked him with curiousity."No." He mumbled going on with his work. Once first period was done, I packed my things and headed out of my chair towards the desk."When do you want me to take the test I missed?" I asked and playing with my hands softly. "Are you free tomorrow?" Mrs.Lantin questioned as she looked over at the calendar. "I have to take Jazmin to her every 2 month check-up, do you think I could do it Friday?" I asked and placed a strand of hair back into place. "I'm in charge of detention but, if you don't mind you could come after school, sit here and do your test with the kids in detention?" Mrs. Lantin offered.I nodded my head, knowing well that, that was the only day my brother could stay and babysit for a little while longer. "Yeah, I'll be there. Thank you." I smiled and walked out of her room. Finally, I made it to my last hour. I sighed before taking my seat in the back and doing the same as before. Pulling out missing work and handing it in.

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