Kirsty and Beau

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Imagine this...

I sighed as I walked out of the studio early. I grabbed my bag and slipped it on. I handed my name tag to the lady behind the counter and smiled at her sweetly.

"I'll see you tomorrow Anne." I said and started to walk out of the door. The warm sun of Australia greeted my face. Smiling, I walked down the sidewalk.I could feel my backpack bounce up and down against my back. I gripped the straps so it wouldn't do so. I continued to walk past people who would walk too slow for my speed. Walking up the steps,I knocked on the door to my Aunt's place.

I smiled at her once she opened the door. "Hi sweetie! How was work?" She asked as she led me inside.I dropped my bag near the door and follow her into the Lounge room. "It was good." I reply to her and stared at the baby that was laying down on a blanket on the floor with toys surrounding him. "How was he?" I asked and looked down at baby Luke. "He was good although I think he may be coming down with a cold." Aunt Sahyounie said smiling at me, I nodded my head and sat next to Luke." I'll take him to the doctors tomorrow." I smiled at Luke taking his hand. He wrapped his small hand around my finger. " I think Daniel will appreciate it. He hasn't seen his favourite cousin since what happened with Beau." She added, I looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah. I think I can stay home from school and work." I said and smiled at her sweetly. "Great! You can spend the night so you don't have to go home late." She replied turning to walk into the kitchen. "Daniel really does miss you Kirsty,because of what happened with Beau. Don't let it stop you from hanging out with your friends. You know the twins love you and so does James." She continued out after I nodded.

Looking down at Luke, he had the same piercing green eyes his dad has. His mouth opened as he giggled, squirming around on the blanket.Smilin, I picked him up, placing him in the crib Aunt Sahyounie had when she babysat for me. I kissed his forehead and turned his soft music on. I grabbed the baby moniter and made my way to the kitchen. "Need help?" I asked. "Sure sweetie." She replied, thankful. "So when do they get back?" I tried making conversation, looking at the clock. Aunt Sahyounie looked back and cursed under her breath, making me giggle. "I need to go to the airport. Will you be alright here?" She asked concerned. I nodded. "I'll finish up here. You go ahead." I replied, not being a burden. She nodded and headed out, wiping her hands. I heard her car pull out.

After I finished with dinner, I heated a bottle up and heading to the Lounge again. I picked Luke up and held him gently feeding him. An hour later, I heard a car pull up and laughter as Daniel and Aunt Sahyounie made their way inside.I looked down at Luke who had fallen asleep in my arms, I pulled the bottle away and went to place him in his crib. The laughter got louder as the door opened. I watched as five boys made their way upstairs to Daniel's room. Luckily for me, no one noticed me there. " Sorry sweetie, they wanted to hang out with Daniel." Aunt Sahyounie said sympatheically. "Thats okay! I should probably get going then. If the boys stay, I can't. You know how they are, Luke wouldn't be able to sleep." I said gathering my things, ready to go. She nodded agreeing."I'll just grab his things and drop by tomorrow to say hey to Daniel." I suggested.

"So you're not staying?" I heard him say. I looked at the stairs and stared at Daniel.My gaze shifted to Beau behind him along with the other boys. "Can't. I need to take the baby home." I replied looking down at my son who was sound asleep. "But you and I were suppose to hang out!" Daniel whined. " We can tomorrow. After I take Luke to the doctors." I reasoned with him." Why?What's wrong?!" Daniel raced down the steps to me. "Luke may be getting a cold." I informed him, looking up at him. He nodded his head, reaching down to feel Luke's cheek. "He does feel warm." Daniel mumbled.I heard someone else race down the steps. Soon Daniel was pushed out of the way. I looked and it was the same familiar green hat he loves. "What's wrong with him?" He asked worried. I watched as he grabbed the baby's hand gently. "Just a cold, but I wanted to be sure."I replied walking away from Beau. I picked up the bag and started to place the baby's things inside. I put the bag on the couch with my backpack and purse. I walked over and picked him up placing him in his car seat.Gently,I tucked his blanket up to his chin. I pulled the handle up and slipped my backpack on. I placed my purse and grabbed the baby bag in the other. "Daniel? Be a darling and give her a lift will you?" Aunt Sahyounie asked."Sure thing mum!" Daniel replied excited grabbing the car keys. "Can we come?" Asked Jai. "Hmm well okay." Daniel said walking out. I was about to reach for Luke when Beau picked him up. " I got him Kirsty." He replied, smiling sweetly. I gladly returned the smile and walked behind the boys. "Thankyou."I whispered to Aunt Sahyounie kissing her cheek. She nodded her head and held the door open for us. I helped Beau set the baby seat right, then took the passenger seat while Beau sat in the front. The other boys sat in the back. Luke had woken up and Luke, Jai and James were making funny faces at him causing him to giggle. "Why did you name him after Luke?" Asked James. I turned around to face him. "He's named after both. His name is Lucas Jai." I smiled. "So when you and Beau have another child, can you name him after me?" James asked sweetly. I bit my lip and looked down. "There wont be another kid! Kirsty and I ARE NOT dating!!!" Beau yelled at him. James looked out the window, guilty. " When me and my future husband have a child I will name him after you alright?" I asked my voice very quiet. He nodded back at me, thankful."We're here." I heard Jai mumble. I unbuckled myself and hopped out. I grabbed all the bags and ran to the door to open it. Once I did, I turned all the lights on. I placed all the bags down and was about to head out again when Beau came in with Luke in his arms. "Thanks." I whispered as I watched him put Luke on the couch. "No problem." He replied. "What was that all about?" Beau questioned me, staring intently at me. "What was what about?" I asked not understanding his vibe. "The whole thing with James. About your future husband." He said as if it was that obvious. He looked at me as I picked Luke up. " Well Beau. I surely do plan on getting married someday." I replied sighing, looking up at him. "So you're trying to say that Luke will have another dad?" Beau practically yelled at me. "Woah! I never said that. You will always be Luke's dad no matter what. He will know who you are and who his real dad is. I have a future too. I don't want to be a single mum my whole life.What? You're going to tell me you never thought about getting married with someone.That, you sure as hell wouldn't stay single just for Luke?" I raised my voice looking at Beau. "I just never thought of a guy to take my place thats all."He mumbled, biting his lip and looking down at his shoes. I placed a hand on his shoulder. " Beau, no one will ever take your place. You're his dad and nobody could take that place. You are his dad and always will be.What do you think? I will get with another guy and not even mention you once? I will never do that Beau. You are Luke's dad and ALWAYS will be." I emphazised on the always. "I need to go." He mumbled walking out. " Tell me what they say at the doctors Kirsty." "Okay" I whispered closing the door and kissing Luke on the forehead then heading to bed.

I woke up with the sun in my face. Looking at the time I realised it was7. I sighed standing up, making my way to the next room. I found Luke sleeping. I bit my lip and ran back into my room. I quickly got out my clothes and took a shower. I walked back to Luke's room and gently picked him up. He opened his eyes and just stared at me."Hi baby." I whispered kissing his cheek. I placed him in my arms and made my way downstairs. I put him in his swing and prepared a bottle for him. After feeding and burping him, I gave him a bath and walked outside to bring him to the doctors.

I made my way to Daniels house. Parking my car behind Aunt Sahyounie's I hopped out and took the keys out opening the front door.

"What did the doctors say honey?"  Aunt Sahyounie called from the Lounge.

"Well apparently its nothing at the moment but he is coming down with a cold thats all." I replied going into the Lounge to sit with her.

"Oh, thats a relief!" She smiled at me while making room for us. "Daniel said to meet the boys and him at the alley while they film DareSundays so just leave Luke with me and it'll be fine." Aunt Sahyounie suggested taking Luke and the bag from me. I nodded getting and towards the door ready to for 5 minutes.

When I finally got there I saw they were doing The Legends Challenge. Beau was actually quite nice to me. We were fooling around and chucking milk and cinnamon powder everywhere.

After we were done, Beau came up to me. "Could I come over today to see Luke?" He asked nervous of my answer. "Sure, like I said you're his dad you can come(hehe cum) whenever!What time?" I asked him smiling. He grinned back. "What about 6?" Beau asked fixing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I nodded in agreement. "Well I better go, Daniel is waiting for me." I said turning around. "Bye! See ya tonight!" He called, I turned and smiled.

"So are you and Beau you knoww?" Daniel asked while we walked back. I shook my head. "Hes JUST coming over to see Luke thats all!" I said looking at the couple with the baby stroller walking opposite us. "You know if Luke hadn't of happened, you guys would have been happy." Daniel muttered under his breathe. I shook my head and stopped walking. "Daniel! Even if it meant that Beau and I arent together anymore its fine as long as I have Luke with me through the journey! I dont carere about Beau. Luke is the best thing that ever happened to me!" I snapped glaring at Daniel. "Im sorry.... I can see how much you love Luke.. Its just Beau and Kirsty were like couples that could never break."He mumbled. "Sorry for going off at you like that its just a touchy subject."  I gave Daniel a big bear hug.

I heard the doorbell ring and I went to get it leaving Luke on the couch. It was Beau obviously.  "Hey Kirsty! I bought you flowers." Beau smiled sweetly at me handing the flowers over and stepping inside. I smelled the flowers. "Thanks Beau! Lukes just on the couch. One second while I go finish dinner." I lead him to the Lounge then took off towards the Kitchen. While finishing dinner, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned around panicking. WHAT IF IT WAS RAPE!!??! Beau must have sensed it. "Don't worry its just me." He whispered in my ear causing my spine to shiver.  "Y-y-yes Beau?" I asked looking him in the eyes. "Do you think  we could do this again? Try once more?" He asked hopeful. "Try what?" I acted dumb. "Us, Luke, being a family." Beau smiled sweetly, leaning in, I leaned in and we kissed. Fireworks everywhere.

Beau, Luke and I continued to be a happy family and soon had another boy called James Daniel. Beau then proposed to me.

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